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Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

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1 Open Source for Handling IndoorGML
Hello everyone, I'm Donguk Seo from Pusan national university. The topic of this presentation is 'Open Source for Handling IndoorGML'. In this presentation, we will learn about what is the IndoorGML and what is required tools for handling IndoorGML. Pusan National University Donguk Seo

2 Outline IndoorGML Open Source S/W for IndoorGML Conclusion Background
Basic concepts of IndoorGML Open Source S/W for IndoorGML Editing Tools Data Format Handler Data Server Conclusion The presentation follows this outline. First, I'll introduce background and basic concepts of IndoorGML. And Talk about required Open Source Software for Handling IndoorGML. Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

3 Background CityGML: LOD4(Interior space)
Room, Door, Wall, Opening, etc How to represent the path from R1 to R3? Demand a lot of computation for derive topology from geometric data. There were several standard for indoor space, CityGML is one of them. CityGML focuses on representation of indoor objects such as walls, rooms, and doors. So, CityGML is not proper to represent network topology. For example, In CityGML, there is a difficult to represent path from R1 to R3. Network topology can be derived from geometric object in CityGML, but that costs much computation. So, A data model to represent such as network topology was required. Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

4 Overview of IndoorGML IndoorGML
An OGC Standard for indoor spatial information Application schema of OGC GML 3.2.1 Cellular space model Geometric, topological and semantic attributes Multi layered space model IndoorGML IndoorGML can be a solution to this problem. IndoorGML has been recently published as OGC standard. And it is an application schema of GML based on cellular space model, and can represent an indoor space as a set of cells with geometric, topological, and semantic attributes. IndoorGML can represent connectivity which is a characteristics of indoor space. IndoorGML is consist of core module and indoor navigation module as extension. Core module include basic concepts of IndoorGML. And we can extend core module for specific purpose. Navigation module is one of extension module for navigation purpose. I'm going to explain features of IndoorGML, Geometric, topological, semantic representation. Extension Module – Navigation Module Core Module GML 3.2.1 Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

5 Geometric Representation
Three options to represent geometry of each cell This slide shows geometric representation. There are 3 options to represent geometry of each cell. Option 1 is to use external reference to external resources. If indoor spatial data such as CityGML exist, we can just link to corresponding elements. Option 2 is to represent geometry such as solid or surface, in IndoorGML document. Option 3 is no geometry, A cell can be represented without geometry. Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

6 IndoorGML and other Standards
Services for handicapped persons Indoor LBS IndoorGML Emergency Control IFC KML Application Indoor Robot We don't need to construct IndoorGML data from the scratch If there are indoor data in other formats. We can combine data in other formats and network data in IndoorGML, and we can use it for application. For example, there are various application such as services for handicapped persons, emergency control service and indoor LBS service. Indoor mCommerce CityGML 2D Indoor Floor Plan Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

7 Network Representation
Poincare Duality Conversion from k D object  3 – K D objects Primal Space Dual Space 3D D Space Node According to Poincare Duality, 3D space in primal space corresponds to 0 dimension node in dual space. Similarly, 2D space boundary corresponds to 1 dimension edge. In IndoorGML, the node and edge are called state, and transition, respectively. And a network graph about indoor space consists of node and edge. 2D D Space Boundary Edge Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

8 Network Representation
Example : Wall and Door as Space Boundary(Thin Wall Model) There are two different models to represent wall and door. The First in thin wall model, it assumes that a wall or door has no thickness. This is an example of thin model in primal space and dual space. There are three cell spaces including exterior, cellr1, r2. Cell R1 is surrounded with B1, B2, and D1. In dual space, R1 is node, B1, B2 and D1 are represented as edge. We can walk through d1, so d1 is a navigable edge. But we can't pass through B2, so b2 is a non-navigable edge. Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

9 Network Representation
Example : Wall and Door as Space(Thick Wall Model) The Second is thick wall model, it assume that a wall or door has thickness. In this case, a wall or door is considered a cell. So, doors and walls are represented as nodes in dual space. There are two type of relationship between nodes, connectivity and adjacency. Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

10 Multi Layered Space Model
Indoor space can be interpreted into different purposes Indoor space can be interpreted into different purposes. This figure shows an example for representing indoor spaces in different manners in terms of purpose. We assume that there is a step in Room3, we can walk through the step. But we cannot drive cart through it. Room3 can be divided into Room3a and Room3b for wheelchair. Sensor space such as WiFi coverage can be represented as a layer as well as topographic space. We can use just one layer or all together depending on purpose, we call this concept Multi layered space model. Layer “Walkable” Layer “Wheelchair” Layer “WiFi” Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

11 Multi Layered Graph Geometry in IR³ Topology Layer “Walkable”
Room 1 Room 2 Room 3b Room 3a Outer Room 3 WiFi A WiFi AB WiFi B Layer “Walkable” Layer “Wheelchair” This figure shows an example of representing Multi layered space model as Multi layered graph. In MultiLayeredGraph, a layer is represented as graph, and topology between layers is represented as InterlayerConnection. For example, the node of Room3 correspond to nodes of Room3a and Room3b. So, they are connected by InterLayerConnection. The types of topology in InterLayerConnection are Equals, Contains, Within, Crosses and Intersects. So far, we learned basic concepts of IndoorGML. From now, we talk about the Open source software for handling IndoorGML. Layer “WiFi” Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

12 Open Source S/W for IndoorGML
Editing Tools Editing Tools - indoor cell editing - indoor network editing JOSM (OSM) Data Format Handler Data Format Handler: - handling IndoorGML data - CityGML, IFC data, OSM GDAL/OGR Spatial DBMS Spatial DBMS - network data PostGIS Server (Service) As IndoorGML has been recently published, there are few tools dealing with it. Open Source Tools for handling spatial data have been developed, but they are not specialized in indoor space. So we should develop new tools or implement additional function for IndoorGML on existing tools. Because data is essential, so we need a tool for generating and editing data. JOSM is one of the most popular tools generating and editing geospatial data in outdoor space. For IndoorGML, Editing tool should be able to edit indoor spatial and network information. Second, we need Data Format Handler, handling IndoorGML and other Data Format. GDAL/OGR supports and handles various format such as shape, dwg and dxf. For indoor space, the Data format handler should support representative data models such as IndoorGML, CityGML and IFC. Third, Spatial DBMS that stores not only geometric data but also indoor network data is required. Similar to PostGIS, a module for the network data could be extended from Postgresql. Fourth, a data server that can perform various query like GeoServer is needed for indoor geospatial data. Finally, We need a indoor viewer in 2D and 3D. For 2D indoor viewer, UI that switches a floor in multi-story building is necessary. For 3D, a viewer should provide various navigation mode. And it is recommended that physics engine including collision detection is used in the 3D viewer. Data Server: - spatial query - cellular spatial analysis GeoServer Viewers Viewers: - navigation route, collision detection OpenLayers (2D) Cesium (3D) Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

13 Editing Tools i-locate project
An EU project for Indoor Asset Management First Real Application of IndoorGML Next, I will report tools has been developed and our plan about this tools. i-locate project is an EU project for Indoor asset management. There are many projects for Indoor, outdoor LBS in i-locate project. Among them, The project for application editing the IndoorGML data is in progress. Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

14 Editing Tools i-locate project The JOSM plugin for IndoorGML
Support importing/exporting IndoorGML Data This is the application for editing the IndoorGML data in I-locate project. It is offered as a plugin of JOSM, and supports importing/exporting IndoorGML Data. Also It will support the function that generate and edit indoor network data. Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

15 Data Format Handler GDAL/OGR extension Data Format Converting Tool
Adding IndoorGML module to GDAL/OGR Data Format Converting Tool Provide a converting function between IndoorGML and other data formats(CityGML, other formats) Java IndoorGML Java Geometry (ISO 19107) other data formats We have two plans about data format handler. The first is adding IndoorGML module to GDAL/OGR as extension. Second, we will develop the Data format Converting tool. It will provides a converting function between IndoorGML and other data format such as CityGML. We will define the Java Geometry Package as common geometry classes between data formats. So the tool will support converting using Java geometry. Java CityGML Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

16 Data Format Handler Java Package (for IndoorGML, CityGML)
For Java instantiation of XML Data Extracted from XML Schema by JAXB Binding Compiler(xjc) JAXB(Java Architecture for XML Binding) Java API that represent the Java Class to XML JAXB provides two main features Marshal(Java objects  XML) Unmarshal(XML  Java objects) Before converting IndoorGML data to other data format, we should be able to supervise data in memory, So we generated Java Package for IndoorGML using JAXB. JAXB is a Java API that represent the Java Class to XML. JAXB provides two main features. the ability to marshal Java objects into XML and unmarshal XML back into Java objects. And java classes can be extracted from XML schema by JAXB Binding Compiler. Similarly, we extracted Java CityGML Package from XML Schema. So we can make IndoorGML and CityGML data into java object, and can use it for data format Converting tool. Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

17 Data Server Architecture of ISA(Indoor Spatial Awareness) Server
GeoServer ISA Server GeoTools Library Plugins xsd-citygml xsd-indoorgml Extensions ISA Engine 3D Geometry Complex Feature Interface Implementation Another our plan ISA Server. ISA server is handled in previous presentation, so talk about briefly. This slide shows architecture of ISA Server. ISA Server consists of GeoServer and GeoTools core libraries, GeoTools extensions and GeoTools plugins. We focus on parts that we are involved in, extensions and plugins. ISA Engine imports 3D geometry and complex feature. But these two modules can stand alone as GeoTools extensions. Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

18 Conclusion In order to utilize IndoorGML, open source tools that
provide a basis of developing application are required. The types of tools Editing tool, Data format handler, Spatial DBMS, Data server, Viewer Some of them are in the middle of being developed. In order to utilize IndoorGML in various field, open source tools that provide a basis of developing application are required. The types of tools range from editing tool to viewer. Editing tool, data format handler and data server are in the middle of being developed. Why don’t we develop open source tools together? Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

19 Thank you for your attention
Open Source for Handling IndoorGML

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