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CMIS 470 Structured Systems Design Review of Oracle Designer Process, Exam 2 review Week 15.

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Presentation on theme: "CMIS 470 Structured Systems Design Review of Oracle Designer Process, Exam 2 review Week 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMIS 470 Structured Systems Design Review of Oracle Designer Process, Exam 2 review Week 15

2 Wrapping Up RR – The End RR – The End Tonight: Turn in end product tonight Peer evaluations At Final Exam period next week: Project Completion Report due Reminiscing… Review of Oracle Designer process Review of Oracle Designer process What to expect for exam What to expect for exam

3 Quotes from fellow survivors of the RR project “I’ve learned that project managers do use tools like Project 2000… and they have to create those pesky weekly status reports” “We wish we would have slowed down a bit and enjoyed each others’ company over dinner or drinks at least once during the project”

4 Quotes from fellow survivors of the RR project “I have never been a person who prized a high degree of organization… I found myself resenting the requirements of this project from the beginning…”

5 Quotes from fellow survivors of the RR project “… However, I found that extensive planning really can pay off… I learned that a group project does not have to be mayhem… All deadlines were met, our deliverables were excellent, and no one had to lose sleep over the project.”

6 Quotes from fellow survivors of the RR project “I learned more than I meant to.”

7 Oracle Designer ANALYSIS Process Models ERD FHD Transformers Database Application DESIGN Design Editor Generators Database Table API Forms Reports

8 Oracle Designer Oracle Designer end result: Actual application database Working prototypes of screens and reports Analysis and design documentation ERDs, process models, etc.

9 PROCESS MODEL E-R DIAGRAM FHD Entity Usages ADT DDT DB DESIGN CANDIDATE APPLS Column Display Properties DB and Table API Oracle Database Generate DB Generate Appls REPORT FOR M Design Editor ORACLE DESIGNER

10 The Last Exam NOT comprehensive NOT comprehensive Ch 13 Oracle Designer stuff Similar format to first exam Similar format to first exam Bring a pencil (I’ll provide scansheets)

11 Sample Questions Sequential software development such as SDLC is best avoided (in other words, it is not practical or ideal) when _______. A.The project is very large B.Requirements are uncertain or rapidly changing C.New technologies must be used D.All of the above

12 Sample Questions In Oracle Designer, to set a table column to display as a checkbox in generated screen applications, you use which of the following tools? A.E-R Diagrammer B.Design Editor C.Database Design Transformer D.Application Design Transformer E.Function Hierarchy Diagrammer

13 The Last Exam What time is the exam? What time is the exam? _________ (Tuesday, December 16th)

14 So – did we have fun or what?! Your reactions, feedback, suggestions for improvement are always welcome… RR project, Oracle Designer stuff, other aspects of the class

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