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Final Exam Review May 3 rd, 2004 Class Meeting 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Exam Review May 3 rd, 2004 Class Meeting 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Exam Review May 3 rd, 2004 Class Meeting 15

2 Current Grades Posted on Blackboard Close to half of the class has an A/A- ¾ of the class is currently passing Includes P5 grades Does not include some make-up grades P6 should be graded by Thursday

3 Final Exam Saturday, May 8 th 1:05pm – 3:05pm Whittemore 300 16% of final grade (160 points) 40 questions, 4 points per question Multiple choice, scantron

4 Unix Basics History of Unix/Linux Who are Ken Thompson and Dennis Richie? Who is Linus Torvalds? What is the kernel? Basic commands Basic commands that you should have become familiar with over the semester Example: ls, chmod, rm, mv, cp, cd, egrep, etc. Do not need to memorize syntax or options; just need to know what command does

5 Unix Filesystem Hierarchical organization of filesystem absolute versus relative paths Hidden files File ownership and permissions user, group, other read, write, execute Be able to read the output of ls -la File editing vi Basic commands (saving, quitting, editing) insert versus command mode

6 Redirection and Regular Expressions Pipes, filters, and redirection, >>, | What is a pipe? What is a filter? Regular Expressions What are regular expressions? basic versus extended regular expressions Metacharacters: { }, ^, $, [ ], ?, *, +, |,., ( )

7 Shell Scripting and X Windows X Windows client versus server Shell Scripting High-level understanding of shell scripting Given example script, be able to describe what it would do What is a shell script? What kinds of variables can be used? Single quotes versus double quotes versus back tics Special variables $0, $1, $2, $#, $?

8 System Programming Makefiles What is a dependency? What is a target? Special variables $@, $? Macros gcc/g++ How do you specify an include directory? How do you specify a library directory? How do you link a library? Compilation process Know all options covered in notes

9 System Programming (cont) File I/O What are file descriptors? Related system calls: open, close, fopen, fclose, read, write, printf -family, scanf -family Process Management What is a process? Related system calls: fork, execvp, wait/waitpid, kill

10 Miscellaneous sed and awk Given an example sed or awk script, be able to describe what it would do System administration Know what files do /etc/passwd /etc/groups /etc/inittab Be able to read a crontab file

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