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 Carbohydrates main component of food needed for exercise performance  Carbohydrate stored as glycogen  Glycogen levels affect exercise performance.

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2  Carbohydrates main component of food needed for exercise performance  Carbohydrate stored as glycogen  Glycogen levels affect exercise performance

3  Calculate requirement from body weight and training volume

4 ACTIVITY LEVELg CARBOHYDRATE/KG BODY WEIGHT/DAY 3-5 hours/week4-5 5-7 hours/week5-6 1-2 hours/day6-7 2-4 hours/day7-8 More than 4 hours/day8-10

5  Example  70kg athlete  Trains 1-2 hours/day  Requires 6-7 g  Daily carbohydrate need is 70*6 = 420g or 70*7= 490g

6  2-4 hours for pre workout meals  Be comfortable!!  Plan your day  2 hours for pre workout snacks  Too long increases risk of hypoglycameia

7  Water for activities less than 1 hour  Longer than 1 hour and additional carbs may need to be consumed  Sports drink, energy bar, raisins or bananas

8  Carb intake after exercise depends on a number of factors such as type, duration, fitness level  Refuel as soon as possible  2 hour “window”

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