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WebCT – web-based teaching and learning tool Dr Paul White Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutical Biology & Pharmacology Victorian College of Pharmacy.

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Presentation on theme: "WebCT – web-based teaching and learning tool Dr Paul White Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutical Biology & Pharmacology Victorian College of Pharmacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 WebCT – web-based teaching and learning tool Dr Paul White Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutical Biology & Pharmacology Victorian College of Pharmacy Monash University Australia

2 What is WebCT? WebCT is a collection of on-line teaching and learning tools sharing a common “homepage” WebCT is a collection of on-line teaching and learning tools sharing a common “homepage” WebCT tools can be used for information dissemination (especially news), on-line assessment, gathering feedback, on-line student discussion / chat etc WebCT tools can be used for information dissemination (especially news), on-line assessment, gathering feedback, on-line student discussion / chat etc

3 What are we using WebCT for? 1 st year Physiology / introduction to pharmacology for Pharmacy students 1 st year Physiology / introduction to pharmacology for Pharmacy students Our site contains: Our site contains: News News Discussion group Discussion group Lecture notes / tutorial answers Lecture notes / tutorial answers Timetables, curriculum details etc Timetables, curriculum details etc

4 How frequently are the students using our sites? At last count, ~3500 hits over 10 weeks– 17.5 hits per student. At last count, ~3500 hits over 10 weeks– 17.5 hits per student. 55% of students say they look at the site at least once per week 55% of students say they look at the site at least once per week Students agreed to look at the site at least once per week Students agreed to look at the site at least once per week Discussion group has received ~300 messages – 1.5 per student Discussion group has received ~300 messages – 1.5 per student

5 Survey results – why are students using our site? Timetables General info Tute Q/AChanges This week’s events Eg Boredom Nice colours Student discussion

6 Is our “Content” coverage useful? Survey response - overwhelming yes Survey response - overwhelming yes Access to practice questions / answers from other students is helpful Access to practice questions / answers from other students is helpful Post-lecture content consideration concentrates on “important bits” Post-lecture content consideration concentrates on “important bits”

7 Is discussion group useful? Why? Feedback – students find discussion group useful – average usage is more than once per week Feedback – students find discussion group useful – average usage is more than once per week Useful for – Useful for – Access to a range of other student opinions Access to a range of other student opinions Comfort regarding common problem areas / difficult concepts Comfort regarding common problem areas / difficult concepts Social connection with other students Social connection with other students

8 Why don’t students contribute to discussion group etc? Fear Fear “fear of being wrong, I guess” “fear of being wrong, I guess” “I don’t want to ask a stupid question” “I don’t want to ask a stupid question” “Other students always ask the questions that I was going to ask” “Other students always ask the questions that I was going to ask” “I’m too lazy” “I’m too lazy”

9 Does WebCT help students to achieve learning outcomes? Haven’t done definitive study Haven’t done definitive study Exam score higher than in the past years Exam score higher than in the past years Criterion based exam score for nervous system lectures was higher (6.2+0.2) than when taught previously by same lecturer prior to WebCT use (5.1+0.3) Criterion based exam score for nervous system lectures was higher (6.2+0.2) than when taught previously by same lecturer prior to WebCT use (5.1+0.3) Question arises – does our WebCT use help lazy students succeed by using good student’s work? Question arises – does our WebCT use help lazy students succeed by using good student’s work? >90% of contributions to the site come from 10% of students, yet most students use the site frequently >90% of contributions to the site come from 10% of students, yet most students use the site frequently (i.e. does our use of WebCT increase learning outcome success at the expense of independent learning)


11 Why are students doing better? Possibly due to increased exposure to answers to common difficult topics Possibly due to increased exposure to answers to common difficult topics eg extrapyramidal motor pathways, ligand versus voltage-gated ion channels eg extrapyramidal motor pathways, ligand versus voltage-gated ion channels Seeing other student questions and answers may Seeing other student questions and answers may

12 Staff response to use of WebCT Steep learning curve in the use of this technology – training? Steep learning curve in the use of this technology – training? WebCT reduces the number of “minutiae” questions that have to be repeatedly answered WebCT reduces the number of “minutiae” questions that have to be repeatedly answered WebCT increases the quality of teaching and learning WebCT increases the quality of teaching and learning A small number of students have problems with access / IT issues, which can take a lot of staff time A small number of students have problems with access / IT issues, which can take a lot of staff time

13 How can we improve our use of WebCT? Increase the proportion of students actively involved in discussion groups etc? Increase the proportion of students actively involved in discussion groups etc? Use small groups to reduce opportunity to coast along Use small groups to reduce opportunity to coast along Increase assessment component related to student participation Increase assessment component related to student participation

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