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UNITED STATES PAHARMA CORP.. INTRODUCTION USPC. USPC. is headquarteres in the state of new Jesey in the Unnited States, and it has many countries around.

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Presentation on theme: "UNITED STATES PAHARMA CORP.. INTRODUCTION USPC. USPC. is headquarteres in the state of new Jesey in the Unnited States, and it has many countries around."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION USPC. USPC. is headquarteres in the state of new Jesey in the Unnited States, and it has many countries around the world like United States, Germany, France, Great Britain, Australia and Switzerland. Is involved with much more than research and development of new drug, for example, it owns two companies thathn produce and sell generic drugs. It also produces and sell many over the counter drugs to comba such problesm as headaches, pains, athlete´s foot, and allergic reactions. This company also produces and sells some drugs taht help cure or improve some animal diseases such hearworms and fleas.

3 To know more about us: Drugs: generic drugs animal diseases other drugs Other Organizations: World Heatlh Organization Centers for Disease Control and Prevention FDA Contac us: Pharmacy on line Our Drug Data Base More information....

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