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TURKEY : National Information Society Policies and Links with eEurope+ “Information Society Perspectives in South-Eeastern Europe” Thessaloniki - 29-30.

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Presentation on theme: "TURKEY : National Information Society Policies and Links with eEurope+ “Information Society Perspectives in South-Eeastern Europe” Thessaloniki - 29-30."— Presentation transcript:

1 TURKEY : National Information Society Policies and Links with eEurope+ “Information Society Perspectives in South-Eeastern Europe” Thessaloniki - 29-30 June 2001 Dr. Cemil ARIKAN, Turkey

2 TUENA National Information Infrastructure Master Plan

3 TUENA Directive of the Prime Ministry  To develop an information sector policy - including internet - for improving information techonogies and enabling Turkey’s transition to an informatin society is crucial provided that careful attention is given to socio-economic, legal and institutional aspects as well as to security of information.

4 TUENA Project Organisation MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT Information Infrastructure Masterplan Executive Group Project Office TÜBITAK Advisory Committee

5  Ministry of Transport  General Staff  National Security Council General Secretariat  Undersecretariat of State Planning  Higher Education Council  Turkish Electronics Industry Manufacturers Association  Turkish Information Industry Association  Technology Development Foundation of Turkey  Turkish Telecom TUENA Executive Committee

6 TUENA Vision The vision of the Turkish National Information Infrastructure Project (TUENA) is to build and implement policies, that will  Maximise the social and economic benefits of the national information infrastructure in all application areas, such as public administration, education, public health and industry  Increase the value added by the national firms in hardware, software, content and service industries  Increase the market share of national informatics industry in the global markets

7 TUENA Project Work Packages Current Situation in Turkey Infrastructure Planning National Value Added and Instruments Institutional Structuring Technological and Institutional Trends

8 TUENA urban household demand percentage for IT equipment

9 SERVICESDEMAND (%)  Electronic payments82,6  Contacting government (petitions)75,5  Booking and reservation73,5  Exchanging information73,2  Viewing cultural events73,2  Participating in debates and elections69,6 TUENA urban household demand percentage for e-services

10 TUENA target change in subscriber profile

11 TUENA target change in total subscriber capacity

12 TUENA target change in transmission and switching capacity

13 TUENA Definition

14 TUENA Turkey (147) 1995995

15 TUENA Turkey / Australia (147) (124) (186) (380) Australia Turkey

16 TUENA Turkey / Greece (147) Greece Turkey (134)

17 TUENA Turkey / Israel (147) Israel Turkey (198) (197)

18 TUENA Turkey / Malesia (147) Malesia Turkey (1263) (444)

19 TUENA Turkey / Russia (147) Russia Turkey (284)

20 TUENA Turkey 1995-2010 2 3 4 56 7 8 Kisisel Bilgisayar Indeksi Telefon Abone Indeksi Elektronik Üretimi Indeksi Elektronik Tüketimi Indeksi Okuma-yazma Indeksi V Cihazi Indeksi Teknik Eleman Indeksi Internet’e Kayitli Makine Indeksi 1 <5 “Ideal” bilgi Internet registration index Technical personnel index TV sets index Literacy index Electronics production index Personal computers index Telephone subscribers index Electronics consumer index (147) 2005 2010 1995 (295) (1585) (112) (200) (181)

21 TUENA Annual Investment Target

22 NATIONAL PROGRAM OF TURKEY (SECTION: SCIENCE AND RESEARCH Turkish Government is ready to contribute to the eEurope initiative. To transform Turkey into an information society, the eTurkey initiative in compliance with eEurope+ will be started and the necessary institutional structures will be established in collaboration with private sector, academic circles, NGO’s and other related institutions.

23 E-GOVERNMENT ONGOING PROJECTS 1- RETİREMENT FUND Health Project 333 Hospitals + 14000 Pharmacy…... Image Processing Project 2- MINISTRY OF FINANCE Automation of Income Tax Offices Automation of Motor Vehicles Tax Offices Web Access to all Information on Tax Matters Automation of Comptroller Offices


25 TUSIAD REPORT “TURKISH INFORMATION SOCIETY IN THE PROCESS OF ‘EU’ MEMBERSHIP” TARGETS 1- To provide means of access to information with bearable price to all sections of the community 2- To achieve the sustainable economic growth Science and Technology efforts must be promoted 3- The human capital must be further developed 4- The expected increase in brain-drain due to globalization must be reverted 5- Compliance with EU policies 6- A consensus platform accommodating all sections of the community must be established and a long-term foresight study should be carried out and the results should be implemented

26 TURKEY’S COMMITMENTS TO eEurope+  Turkey has finalized her eEurope+ Action Plan covering period from 2001 to 2003  Turkish Prime Minister, Mr. Ecevit, has declared Turkey’s commitments to eEurope+ during 14-15 June meeting in Goteborg  As a part of objective 0 of eEurope+, An Independent Telecommunication Council has been established by Law in May 12, 2001 The new Board of Directors of Turk Telekom A.S. will be appointed before July 3rd The legal infrastructure for Internet is in the Governments agenda

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