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Presenter: Calvin Mwesigwa. A Monopoly game that outputs to a VGA port in which up to 7 Bluetooth android based devices can view information, roll the.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: Calvin Mwesigwa. A Monopoly game that outputs to a VGA port in which up to 7 Bluetooth android based devices can view information, roll the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Calvin Mwesigwa

2 A Monopoly game that outputs to a VGA port in which up to 7 Bluetooth android based devices can view information, roll the dice and execute trades through their Bluetooth devices. The unit itself will output the game board and various animations through VGA while also playing sound through built in speakers.

3 1MB Video Memory IS61WV12048BLL-10TLI VGA 25.175 Mhz Oscillator Pic 32 PIC32MX795F512L Bluetooth Module RN-42 MPEG Decoder ST013 VGA Logic LC4256V CPLD 8 Bit Tristate SN72LV573A Data(7:0) RGB+RESISTORS(2:0) I2C UART 8MB FLASH SPI3 RD(15:10)&RB(15:2) RE(7:0) 50 Ohm Antenna 14.7456 Mhz Crystal RA(2) UART DAC CS4334 UART 3.5mm Jack VSYNC HSYNC VCLK Addr(19:0) WE FRAME_SEL BUSY W_ADDR(19:0) OE D (7:0) RE(8) RE(9) Q (7:0) WE JTAG RJ11

4  We are building a distributed system on the console and Android devices  Had to come up with a simple and lightweight protocol to perform periodic updates of Droids  We are limited to 512kB of memory for game logic and save game data  Bluetooth module could only accept 8 unique connections so this limited us to max of 7 players

5  Connect to the Bluetooth through UART on pin 52(U1RX) and pin 53(U1TX). Bluetooth operates in slave mode.  Connect with MPEG decoder on pin 66(SCL1 ) and pin 67(SDA1 for I 2 C1) while the MPEG data is sent on pin 81(Port D). MPEG decoder runs in multimedia mode and provides all signals for DAC.  Connect with CPLD via Port B(15:2) and port D(15:10), Port E(9:0) and Port A(3:2)

6  The overall main function runs as a polling loop  We chose a polling loop because our console goes through the same sequence of operations once the game starts and keeps repeating them until the game ends  The Bluetooth module continuously sends data to the micro as soon as it receives it because it is the sole source of user input.  The microcontroller acts as the central repository of all game data and droids ‘check out’ and ‘commit changes’


8  Done  CPLD code module  Basic test programs running on the PIC32  In progress  Android Application  C Code Implementation of Monopoly  Compilation of C Code onto the microcontroller  To do  Implement all Bluetooth code module  Come up with a format for commands for droids

9 ?

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