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Validity with the CAAP Assessment. Validity for what purpose? Placement/Progress Accountability/Accreditation.

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Presentation on theme: "Validity with the CAAP Assessment. Validity for what purpose? Placement/Progress Accountability/Accreditation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Validity with the CAAP Assessment

2 Validity for what purpose? Placement/Progress Accountability/Accreditation

3 Validity measures of what type? Absolute score based Normative

4 Possible validity models Correlations with accepted measures of skills Prediction of accepted measures of skills Change across time

5 Placement/Progress models Based on some measure of future success (e.g. graduation, upper level GPA) Regression model based


7 7 Achievement first two years Progress first two years Graduation in 6 years Achievement beyond 2 nd year Progress beyond 2 nd year Value-Added College Readiness High School Prep. Model: Value-Added – All Students.40 -.02 CFI =.95 RMSEA =.08

8 Accountability/Accreditation Tend to be normative Comparison group of like institutions Adjustment for covariates Longitudinal/Cross sectional

9 Example of longitudinal study Pascarella, Bohr, Nora and Terenzini, (1995) Journal of Higher Education

10 Example of cross sectional model 1. VSA 2. ACT Linkage report

11 Linkage model Uses ACT scores as a covariate Develops conditional distribution of CAAP scores given ACT score, based on a large sample Compares institutional distribution with comparison distribution (based on deciles)

12 What’s next? Assessments of a different type (non multiple choice) Standardization of alternative measures (alternative assessment types, portfolios, college GPA)

13 Example of what is possible Bassiri and Schulz (2003) Constructing a universal scale of high school course difficulty

14 International dreams Is there a PISA or a Bologna in our future? 1.Is college knowledge the same across the globe? 2.Are the populations in college the same?

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