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Conquests and InvasionConquests and Invasion  Great Britain was invaded by the  Iberians  Celts  Romans  Angles & Saxons  Vikings  Normans.

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Presentation on theme: "Conquests and InvasionConquests and Invasion  Great Britain was invaded by the  Iberians  Celts  Romans  Angles & Saxons  Vikings  Normans."— Presentation transcript:


2 Conquests and InvasionConquests and Invasion  Great Britain was invaded by the  Iberians  Celts  Romans  Angles & Saxons  Vikings  Normans

3 Celtic InfluenceCeltic Influence  Celtic invasion in the 4 th century B.C.  Religion – animism – the belief that there is a spirit in everything These spirits often had to be appeased through ritual dances and even human sacrifices. Stories contained strong women, enchanted lands, magic, and imagination. Poetry, story, and song a major way to spread the tales of the Celts

4 Roman InfluenceRoman Influence  Julius Caesar invaded in 55 B.C.  Built roads  Built a wall 70 miles long  Brought Christianity to Britain  Christianity became the unifying factor between England and Europe.

5 Anglo-Saxon influenceAnglo-Saxon influence  Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invade after the Romans left in 449 A.D.  The culture was very war-like and militant, but not barbaric.  The Angles give the name Engle Land, which later became England.  The Anglo-Saxons divided the land into principalities with rulers over each.  Women in the Anglo-Saxon culture had rights; they could inherit land and money. They joined and became leaders in religious communities.

6 Anglo-Saxon influence - continued  Communal court or chieftain hall surrounded by single family homesteads with a wooden wall protecting  Provides a sense of relationship between the leader and the people  Provides a sense of security  Encourages communal discussion and rule by consensus  Tales of heroes tell of fame and exploits in an attempt to protect or serve the leader.  These tales demonstrate loyalty to the leader and bring fame to the hero. (ex. Beowulf)

7 Anglo-Saxon influence- continued  Religion – dark and fatalistic with warrior gods such as Woden and Thunor  No afterlife – stories of bards carry legend on  Dragons important  Virtues are bravery, loyalty, generosity, and friendship  Bards popular – poetry as important as fighting, hunting, farming, or loving  Many poems in elegiac form

8 Influence of the DanesInfluence of the Danes  Invade and settle portions of northeast and central England – 871-899 A.D.  King Alfred of Wessex  The Angles and Danes fought but both were defeated in 1066 by William Duke of Normandy.  King Alfred institute The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a history of England from early to 1154  English Language becomes prominent and begins to overshadow Latin  Old English stories first considered great literature  Anglo-Saxon literature, much like the oral poems and stories, often recounted heroic deeds of loyal servants to the king or ruler.

9 Influence of the Danes

10 Resources  Youtube  Holt, Rinehart and Winston

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