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P ARISH P ASTORAL C OUNCIL Election procedures. According to the “Constitution and By- Laws of the Pastoral Council of Nativity of Our Lady Catholic Church”

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Presentation on theme: "P ARISH P ASTORAL C OUNCIL Election procedures. According to the “Constitution and By- Laws of the Pastoral Council of Nativity of Our Lady Catholic Church”"— Presentation transcript:

1 P ARISH P ASTORAL C OUNCIL Election procedures

2 According to the “Constitution and By- Laws of the Pastoral Council of Nativity of Our Lady Catholic Church” (2013), the Pastoral Council has 6 to 8 members:  5 members are elected by the parishioners  1 or 2 members may be appointed by the Priest-in-charge (if he chooses)  The Priest-in-charge is a non-voting member

3 All council members are elected or appointed for a term of 2 years. Any confirmed Catholic who is 18 years of age or over, who is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church and is a registered member of Nativity can be elected. In February, the Pastoral Council appoints a Nominating Committee and declares nominations open. The Nominating Committee can actively seek out candidates. Any qualified member can nominate him/her self to the Nominating Committee or suggest candidates. It is the duty of the priest-in-charge to make sure that candidates are qualified as outlined above. Nominations close the last Sunday in March.

4 The Church Office will make a list of registered parishioners available by the end of February at the latest. It is the duty of the individual Catholic to make sure that they are on the official parish list in order to vote in the April elections. The list of candidates will be published at the beginning of April. Elections will be held on a weekend in April to be announced. This year, probably the 26 th & 27 th of April (the week after Easter). Voting is held after each Mass for one hour.

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