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What would graph B look like?.

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1 What would graph B look like?












13 The graph at right shows the daily high temperatures for 1 week. If the intervals on the vertical axis were changed to count by 4 instead of 2, the points would appear a)Farther from the horizontal axis, toward the top of the graph b)Closer to the horizontal axis, toward the bottom of the graph c)Farther from the vertical axis, toward the right side of the graph. d)Closer to the vertical axis, toward the left side of the graph.

14 The graph below shows the approximate amount of liquid laundry detergent that will remain in the bottle after every 5 loads of laundry that are washed. If the intervals on the horizontal axis were changed to count by 10 instead of 5, how would the appearance of the graph change? a)The data points would move away form the horizontal axis, toward the top of the graph. b)The data points would move closer to the horizontal axis, toward the bottom of the graph c)The data points would move closer to the vertical axis, toward the left side of the graph. d)The data points would move away form the vertical axis, toward the right side of the graph

15 The graph at right shows the temperatures recorded in Topeka at noon for a week. A new graph is created with the same data. Which interval on the y-axis would give the appearance of the least amount of temperature change? a)An interval of 1  F b)An interval of 5  F c)An interval of 8  F d)An interval of 10  F

16 Katie collected data on the number of passengers departing on a ferry boat and displayed the results on a graph as shown to the right. Katie then changed the intervals on the y-axis of the graph from 20 to 100. Which graph to the right shows the data after this change?

17 Kevin recorded the hourly temperatures outside his house from 1:00pm to 8:00pm, as shown at right. Kevin wants to change the scale on the vertical axis to show units of 2 instead of 5. Which statement best describes how the graph will look after Kevin makes this change? a)The change in temperature each hour will appear to be less. b)The change in temperature each hour will appear to be greater. c)The highest temperature on the graph will appear to be at 1:00pm d)The highest temperature on the graph will appear to be at 8:00pm

18 Mason has a job mowing lawns in his neighborhood. He made the graph at right to show the total amount of money he hopes to have earned by the end of each week. Mason then changed the scale on the vertical axis to count by 200 instead of 100. What effect would this change have on the appearance of the graph? a)The bars would appear taller b)The bars would appear shorter c)The bars would appear farther apart d)The bars would appear closer together

19 An employee wants to change the scale on the vertical axis to show units of 10 instead of 5. Which statement best describes how the graph will look after this change is made? a)The change in the company’s profit each month will appear to be less. b)The change in the company’s profit each month will appear to be greater. c)The greatest amount of monthly profit will appear to be in the 9th month. d)The greatest amount of monthly profit will appear to be in the 10th month.

20 Stephanie recorded the number of people who came to a new part at the same time each day for the first 7 days it was open. The bar graph at right shows the information Stephanie recorded. Stephanie wants to change the scale on the vertical axis to units of 10 instead of 5. Which statement best describes how the graph will look after Stephanie makes this change? a)Day 1 will appear to be the day with the greatest number of people at the park. b)Day 6 will appear to be the day with the greatest number of people at the park c)The difference in the number of people who went to the park each day will appear to be less. d)The difference in the number of people who went to the park each day will appear to be greater.





25 Write a question and answer for this graph regarding the effects of scale change.












37 What change occurred?












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