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James Bulger: a murder that shocked Britain. Some responses to the case Justice for James Angel In Heaven BBC news.

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Presentation on theme: "James Bulger: a murder that shocked Britain. Some responses to the case Justice for James Angel In Heaven BBC news."— Presentation transcript:

1 James Bulger: a murder that shocked Britain

2 Some responses to the case Justice for James Angel In Heaven BBC news

3 "We must condemn a little more, and understand a little less." So said John Major shortly after the murder of James Bulger in 1993. He was speaking as prime minister, but his sentiments were also those of the man in the street.

4 When did it happen? James Bulger was a month from his 3 rd birthday when he was abducted, on a whim, and murdered by two boys Robert Thompson and Jon Venables (both 10) James went missing while shopping with his mum in Bootle’s Strand Shopping Centre on 12 February 1993

5 How did it happen? James was led away from the shopping centre while his mother was in a nearby butcher’s shop The picture, captured on CCTV, of James being led away by hand became a famous image

6 Why weren’t they stopped? After abducting James the boys walked him for two and a half miles, kicking and punching him as they went 38 people saw them, some of whom challenged the boy They claimed they were looking after their younger brother or that James was lost and they were taking him to a local police station

7 How did James die? The boys beat him to death with bricks and an iron bar and left his body on a railway line where it was discovered 2 days later After their arrest and throughout the trail the boys were known only as Child A and Child B

8 How could two lads playing truant from school, commit such a crime? Had they been influenced by watching horror movies? Were they the product of growing up in a poor and troubled environment? Or were they evil, scheming boys who ought to be locked up for life?

9 What happened to them? In November 1993 the boys were convicted of murder They were named by the trial judge and sentenced to secure youth accommodation for at least 8 years In June 2001 they were released on life licence and given new, secret identities

10 Where are they now? An injunction in England & Wales bans reporting of Thompson and Venable’s new names and locations The ban does not apply in Scotland, or other countries, but despite numerous rumours their identities have remained secret The memory of this case has never faded for parents, many of whom now keep their children much closer while out on a shopping trip

11 Assessment Task: What was the most important reason for punishing the killers of Jamie Bulger?

12 Introduction: outline the details of the case Protection: (keep society safe), were the boys a threat to society? Did they need protecting from themselves? Deterrence: (put others off doing the same), was this a crime that would be copied? Would the 8 year sentence put people off such behaviour? Reform: (reform the criminals), were the boys too young to know what they had done? Would counselling change their behaviour? Could they become normal members of society? Retribution: (society taking revenge), should society punish the boys to make them pay for what they did? Would this make people feel better? Would the boys and others learn from the punishment they were given? Vindication: (law must be upheld), the boys chose to break the law so needed to be punished. Might others do similar crimes if these boys had gone unpunished? Would society work if crimes went unpunished? Conclusion: what do you think was the most important reason to punish the boys? (e.g.: rehabilitation because the boys had made a terrible mistake they had to learn from)

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