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Lip Sync What is Lip Sync? Lip Synch is an activity in which you pretend you are singing a recorded song.

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2 Lip Sync

3 What is Lip Sync? Lip Synch is an activity in which you pretend you are singing a recorded song.

4 5 things make a good Lip Sync Memorization of Lyrics Costumes Choreography Characterization Select a good song

5 What songs work best? “Radio” songs are NOT suggested. Rap songs are not usually acceptable. All songs must contain lyrics which are appropriate for school. Songs that tell a story, have a lot of emotion, or are humorous work best for Lip Sync.

6 How do I learn the words? There are many web sites from which you can download lyrics. Search “song lyrics” or the song title in Google or Yahoo to find them. Many CD cases come with the lyrics printed inside.

7 What about Costumes? If you are playing a character, dress as the character. If you’re not playing a character, dress in a way that suits the mood, or feeling of the song. You are responsible for getting or making your own costumes.

8 What is choreography? Choreography does NOT always mean dancing. It can be movement appropriate for the song. You must have some movement during the performance. The movement of the group members must be coordinated and sharp.

9 Characterization You should use all the skills you have used in pantomime and acting during your Lip Sync Performance. Facial expression, gestures, posture, and movement will help the audience believe you are the singer.

10 The Rules 1-5 members in a group You must give Mrs. Drake a copy of the lyrics for approval You must bring your music EVERY DAY You must include movement and costumes You will have 10 class days to prepare

11 Good Luck! Remember to include all of the required elements and have a good time, and you’ll do great!

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