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The Carbon Cycle Earth Science 1: Weather and Water July 27, 2010.

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1 The Carbon Cycle Earth Science 1: Weather and Water July 27, 2010

2 Why is carbon so important? It makes up ~50% (by dry weight) of all living stuff! We are “carbon-based life forms! (“Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor not a bricklayer!!”) CO 2 is necessary for plant growth…without plants, there would be no food! Climate regulation…without CO 2 (and other GHG) in the atmosphere, the Earth would not be inhabitable.




6 Source: Highest CO 2 level in last 800,000 years.

7 Source: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center How do we know about the climate in the past?

8 Where are we now? Source: USGCRP, Karl et al, 2008  We are already at a level not seen in ~ 1 million years!

9 Where could we be in the future? Source: USGCRP, Karl et al, 2008  And it will only get worse…

10 Global temperature

11 Geological Carbon cycle Movement of carbon during physical processes of weathering, dissolution, precipitation, and tectonics. CO 2 + H 2 O  H 2 CO 3 chemical weathering and dissolution CaCO 3  precipitation, lithification, burial Tectonic uplift eventually exposes buried carbon (i.e., Himalayas) Timeframe: millions of years

12 Biological Carbon cycle Primary producers (those that can create their own food) take inorganic (CO 2 ) and create organic carbon (stuff of life). –Plants remove ~200 billion tons of carbon/year (1.8 X 10 17 gC/year)  Same amount is returned through cell respiration and decay (rate is 1000X faster than geological cycle) –Land use change has created an imbalance Since 1850, 155 PgC (1.55 X 10 17 gC) released from LUC. By 2000, rate = 2 Pg C (2 X 10 15 gC) per year Respiration: C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2  6CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + energyenergy Photosynthesis: energy + 6CO 2 + H 2 O  C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 energy

13 How are humans changing the global carbon cycle?

14 Petagram (Pg) = 1X10 15 grams 1X10 12 kg

15 Upsetting the natural Carbon cycle. Source:

16  Why does the curve go up and down every year? Keeling curve: Charles David Keeling, Scripps Institute

17 Mass balance approach An accounting scheme for any measurable quantity: mass, energy or even cash. (Sum of all inputs) – (sum of all outputs) = Change in storage within the system. Need to define the boundaries of the system Need to specify a time step (usually annual) If system is in balance, then change in storage = 0 … (Sum of all inputs) = (sum of all outputs)

18 Global Carbon Cycle


20 Missing carbon mystery: Case solved? Burgermeister, 2007, Nature Reports Climate Change. ( - Human Carbon emissions = 8 billion tonnes per year 6.4 tonnes from fossil fuels 1.6 tonnes from tropical deforestation -Of that, 3.2 remains in the atmosphere (observed), 2.2 absorbed by the ocean and 2.6 absorbed by land (mainly forests). -2.4 tonnes of land C modeled to be taken up by northern forests. But observations could only account for 0.7 tonnes C.  Much of what we “know” about the carbon balance is based on Earth system models that simulate land, ocean, atmospheric exchange and fluxes. Turns out 9 of 12 models are wrong about vertical mixing of CO 2.  Tropical forests absorb almost all CO 2 from deforestation.  BUT, NOT A LONG TERM CARBON SINK…residence time ~ 30 yr

21 Carbon Sequestration Researchers are looking for ways to reduce atmospheric carbon by different methods of carbon sequestration –Underground reservoirs –Ocean sequestration Phytoplankton fertilization Direction injection of CO 2 into deep ocean. –Enhance terrestrial cycle

22 Land Management to sequester carbon LUC has emitted Gt of carbon Proper forest management could reverse this to a degree Depends on CC not accelerating enough to kill forests!

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