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GT Coding in APSCN. The Office of Gifted & Talented checks the demographics of identified GT students using the numbers reported in the APSCN Cycle II.

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Presentation on theme: "GT Coding in APSCN. The Office of Gifted & Talented checks the demographics of identified GT students using the numbers reported in the APSCN Cycle II."— Presentation transcript:

1 GT Coding in APSCN

2 The Office of Gifted & Talented checks the demographics of identified GT students using the numbers reported in the APSCN Cycle II Report, so it is important that the numbers are accurate.

3 For Student Plus Districts  On the Demographics Screen 102, Field 2 (GT Field), enter a “Y” in order to note that a student is identified as gifted and talented.  Your GT coordinator should provide you with a list of identified students for the current school year.

4  If students exit the program and are no longer participating, then that should be reflected in Demographics Screen 102, Field 2 by entering an “N” in the field.  The GT coordinator should let you know when students exit the program so that you can make the needed changes.  It is important that this be done so that students who are not participating in the program are not included in the count of students.

5 For eSchool Districts

6  If your school district has the eSchool format, you will enter Gifted/Talented as a program and the start date for the student when they are formally identified for the GT Program.  The Value will be “Y.” You will not add an End Date until the student exits the GT Program or graduates.  The GT Coordinator will be responsible for providing a list of identified students and for letting you know when a student has exited the program.  When withdrawing a student from the GT program the End Date will be the student’s last day in the program.

7 Questions or Concerns If you have any questions or concerns, contact Mary Kathryn Stein, Program Coordinator ADE Gifted & Talented and Advanced Placement 501-682-4224;

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