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Protein Synthesis. Ribosomes 16S rRNA Secondary Structures.

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Presentation on theme: "Protein Synthesis. Ribosomes 16S rRNA Secondary Structures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protein Synthesis

2 Ribosomes


4 16S rRNA Secondary Structures

5 30S Subunit Structure: 16S rRNA & proteins


7 Electron Density Models of Both Subunits & tRNAs

8 70S Ribosome Showing tRNAs in A, P & E Sites

9 Prokaryotic Ribosomes

10 tRNA Structure


12 Modified Bases

13 Codon - Anticodon Base-Pairing - Role of Wobble Bases

14 The Genetic Code

15 Aminoacyl Transferase Determines Specificity of Amino Acid Inserted at a Codon

16 Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Function

17 Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetase Structure

18 Chemistry of Aminoacylation

19 Roles of Eukaryotic Initiation Factors eIF-1 Promotes dissociation of 80S ribosomes Binds after eIF-4 and allows scanning to begin eIF-2 GTPase activated by 60S subunit binding Stabilizes binding of initiator met- tRNA i met eIF-3 Promotes 80S ribosome dissociation Binds to 40S subunit & prevents reassociation of 60S subunit Promotes binding of eIF-2 eIF-4 Multi-component complex Recruits mRNA binding Recognizes cap, pA tail Promotes binding of eIF-1 for scanning eIF-5 Promotes reformation of 80S ribosome Displaces eIF-6 eIF-6 Promotes dissociation of 80S ribosome Binds 60S subunit & prevents reassociation with 40S subunit

20 Translation Initiation

21 eIF-1 + eIF-6 eIF-1 + eIF3 Steps in Eukaryotic Translation Initiation eIF-6

22 eIF4 Complex Components & Functions eIF4E – Cap binding eIF4G – eIF3 binding PAB1P binding eIF4A – helicase eIF4B – stimulates RNA binding of eIF4A

23 Scanning Model of Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Requirements: Must be able to determine which AUG is the right one to start translation

24 Kozack Consensus CCRCCAUGG

25 Overview of Elongation

26 Elongation Step 1: Binding of aa-tRNA Eukaryotic counterparts: EF1  EF1 

27 TC=EF1  ·GTP ·aa-tRNA Kinetics of First Elongation Step Allow Proofreading Rib = ribosome + met-tRNA i met

28 Peptidyl Transferase is Large Ribosomal Subunit

29 Peptidyl Transferase Active Site & Reaction Mechanism

30 GTP Hydrolysis Is Required for Translocation Eukaryotic counterpart: EF-2

31 Structure of EF-G Compared to EF-TutRNA Complex EF-TutRNA EF-G

32 Overview of Elongation

33 Elongation

34 Translocation

35 Similarity Between eRF1 Tertiary Structure and tRNA

36 Termination Factors RF-3 & eRF-2 RF-3 – Prokaryotic eRF-2 – Eukaryotic Are GTPases that catalyzes the actual cleavage of the pep- tRNA bond to release the peptide

37 Protein Folding



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