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Hier Bild platzieren (weisser Balken bleibt nur bei Partner-Logo) Overview on European Markets & Characteristics of a successful company in Sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "Hier Bild platzieren (weisser Balken bleibt nur bei Partner-Logo) Overview on European Markets & Characteristics of a successful company in Sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hier Bild platzieren (weisser Balken bleibt nur bei Partner-Logo) Overview on European Markets & Characteristics of a successful company in Sustainable Tourism Richard Gubler - Lima, 4 th October 2010

2 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Overview on European Markets & Sustainable Tourism topics who are the European travellers?  focus: customers social conditions and developments lifestyle of Europeans travellers expectations consumption patterns the European travel industry  focus: market recent market developments corporate governance & responsible management

3 Demographischer Wandel weltweit: Population ( in Mio.) Growth of Population ( in %) average age employable people, proportional to the total population ( in %) 2007 – 2020 2020 – 2050 2020 2007 2050 2020 2007 2050 2020 EuropeN.amerikaAsiaAfriva 591 590 542 - 0.2 - 8.1 39 43 47 68 66 58 335 379 438 + 13.1 + 15.6 36 38 42 68 65 61 4.010 4.596 5.217 28 32 40 66 67 65 + 14.6 + 13.5 + 34.6 + 52.4 944 1.271 1.937 19 21 28 56 65 58 source: UN 2008 demographic development

4 development of the number of family households couple without children couple with children (1) parent with children single with parent

5 people feel younger Dürer‘s mother when she was 63 years old Sophia Loren when she was 63 years old

6 conclusion: development of Europe‘s societies a decline of population a decrease of the share of kids and youth life expectancy and average age steadily increasing older person feel younger and live more active an increase of the households size of households decreasing, less households with children income per household increasing growth of „new middle classes“ growing consumption, especially expenditures for leisure and holiday

7 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. who are the European travellers and how is their lifestyle? from industrial working society to „leisure society“ work, recreation and holiday flexi-time and part-time-work not work and production, but leisure and consumption nowadays dominate their lifestyle travelling not only is fashionable, it has rather become natural well informed customers with a lot of travel experience customer focus

8 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. motives for travelling Nature Experience authentic, pure nature experience healthy, local products and gastronomy natural and luxury one night nature lodge, the other night butique-hotel protected landscapes and nature reserves

9 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. motives for travelling Slow-up time for myselfe, for partner or family break from busy life to be out of reach (a new luxury) Wellness, wellbeing, wellfeeling hiking a new trend, also among younger people

10 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. motives for travelling more far, more exotic, warmer oversea trips destinations with warmer climate adventure and expeditions the exotic, the contrast the search for essential questions

11 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. trends in traveller‘s consumption patterns for the travellers short-term booking (last minute also for the repeat customers) convenience instead of tight schedule shorter stay, but more frequent trips less loyalty for a destination... that means for the travel industry more and more customers needed for same results more and more marketing necessary

12 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. other consumer trends prices versus quality to ask for discount has become socially acceptable paying to much is „weakness“ „all inclusive“ high-priced brands are en-vogue people are ready to pay for good quality, for convenience and luxury (if they see the added value)

13 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. other trends in society Ecological awareness Responsible-minded behaviour in everyday life Separation of solid waste locally and biologically produced food etc....and their holiday ? what at home is taken for granted, they also expect in their holiday destinations they want to know how deep the (ecological) footprints are they leave behind Tour Operators are expected to act responsible and to offer sustainable travel products

14 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Focus: The European Travel Industry recent market developments extrusive competition competition through the price vertical and horizontal integration of the value and supply chains zero-commission policy (retailer under pressure) Internet a competition as well as a chance GDS (global distribution systems)...consequences for the Tour Operators especially the big Tour Oparators see themselfes forced to change their organisation and retailing structures every few years

15 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Focus: The European Travel Industry The travel industry and sustainable tourism open-minded managers see the necessity for more sustainable economies corporate governance becomes a common standard responsible management  social and environmental policies

16 Often, the last remaining paradises are threatened by the mass of those who search for them. tourism: a mass phenomenon

17 Hier Bild platzieren (weisser Balken bleibt nur bei Partner-Logo) Thank you for your attention

18 Copyright © Osec 2008. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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