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HIV/AIDS An Introduction to HIV/AIDS and it’s presence in Papua New Guinea.

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Presentation on theme: "HIV/AIDS An Introduction to HIV/AIDS and it’s presence in Papua New Guinea."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV/AIDS An Introduction to HIV/AIDS and it’s presence in Papua New Guinea

2 Revision  What do you know about HIV/AIDS  What is it?  What causes it?  How does it affect people?  What do you know about the presence of HIV/AIDS in specific countries such as Zimbabwe?  What effect does it have on country’s development and their overall wellbeing?

3 Scope  At the end of this lesson you will have a general understanding of the subject of HIV/AIDS:  A brief description of what HIV/AIDS is  It’s symptoms, causes and prevention techniques  HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea  Statistics and data on the presence of HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea  The population of Papua New Guinea and how it has changed over time and what may have caused these changes  The overall effect of HIV/AIDS on the development and wellbeing of Papua New Guinea.

4 During this Lesson we will…  Have an introduction to the topic of HIV/AIDS  You will follow through the PowerPoint in your notes thinking about the focus questions  At the conclusion of this brief you will split into groups of 4-5, discuss and record your responses to the questions  You will have 10-15 minutes of group discussion  Following your group discussion I will nominate people from each group to share their answers to the focus questions with the class. MAKE SURE YOU PAY ATTENTION OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTIPIATE IN THE GROUP DISCUSSION!

5 Overview HIV “attacks the immune system, which is the body’s defence against disease. If a person’s immune system is severely damaged by the virus, they will develop AIDS. This means they are vulnerable to infections and illnesses that their body could normally fight off,” these illnesses and infections can result in death. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

6 Cause/Transmission  AIDS can only be contracted once the HIV infection has been transmitted  The infection can be transmitted through 5 different bodily fluids being transmitted into another person's blood stream: -Blood -Semen -Pre-ejaculatory fluid -Vaginal secretions -Breast milk  This transfer of liquids can occurr in two main ways: -Unprotected Sex -Sharing Needles  HIV is NOT transmitted through sharing cups

7 Symptoms  You can be infected with HIV for a number of years before it starts to cause damage  It can be detected through a blood test  IT attacks your immune system, causing it to become weak  The result can be recurrent illnesses, bugs, flus.  Multiple symptoms may be present due to the nature of the illnesses.  More serious illnesses may also be contracted and these may result in death.  If someone is aware they have contracted HIV, there are treatments available to prolong their life and prevent them contracting AIDS.

8 Prevention  HIV transmission can be prevented through: -practicing safe sex, using condoms or abstinence. -Taking HIV drugs and precautions during pregnancy  There are currently vaccines in development however they are not yet available for use in Australia.

9 Papua New Guinea  PNG is Australia’s closest neighbour  Made up of over 600 small islands  Joined the Commonwealth in 1975  Population: of 7,321,000 (2013)  GDP: 1.9% p.a. 1990–2013  UN HDI: World ranking 157  Official language: English  Over 800 Indigenous Languages  Only 13% of people live in urban areas


11 Population growth (annual %) in Papua New Guinea

12 World Bank Indicators Papua New Guinea


14 What to think about…  Economy  Death Rates  Population Growth  Decreased Acitivty  Health Costs  Labour Force  Gender, who is more vulnerable?  Development and Wellbeing  Comparisons

15 Conclusion  What is HIV AIDS?  Where is Papua New Guinea?  What is the importance of HIV/AIDS is PNG?  How is HIV/AIDS impacting development and wellbeing in PNG?  How does this or could this impact Australia? Move into groups of 4-5 and discuss answers to the focus questions. Read through your fact sheets and make sure you have answers prepared for ALL questions.

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