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Driver’s Education Sharing The Road With Others #2.

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Presentation on theme: "Driver’s Education Sharing The Road With Others #2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Driver’s Education Sharing The Road With Others #2

2 Sharing the Roadway: Trucks 1.There are 4 blind spots around an 18 wheeler. One in the front, one in the back and one on either side. 2.It is crucial you avoid traveling in these areas for too long, the driver can not see you. See next slide for visual


4 3. When passing a truck allow for additional time due to its length. Trucks will also create a gust of wind when they pass, adjust your steering. 4. Large trucks make a wide right-hand turn, therefore at an intersection never try to pass a truck on the right when it’s right-hand turn signal is on.

5 Sharing the Roadway: Railroad Crossings 1.The leading cause of collisions at railroad crossings are: driver impatience, driver inattention and poor judgment 2.Slow down and look for warning lights and lowered crossing gates.

6 3. Stop no closer than 15 ft from a railroad crossing. 4. Stop, look and listen even if lights are not flashing or there are no lights or gates present. 5. Be cautious, never assume you can beat a train to the crossing.

7 6. Never stop on the railroad tracks for any reason. 7. If you stall on the tracks DON’T PANIC…

8 A.Check both directions for approaching trains B.If there is a train, leave the car at once C.If no train & clear in both directions you should try to restart the vehicle or push it off the tracks

9 Sharing the Roadway: Elderly 1.Tend to have slow reaction time 2.Impaired vision may cause them to miss crucial pieces of information on the road

10 3. May have impaired hearing 4. Thinking is also slowed, takes them longer to make a decision 5. One advantage they do have over teen drivers is their experience

11 Other kinds of Vehicles 1.Emergency Vehicles - You should pull to the right or create a clear path for these vehicles to pass 2.Slow moving Vehicles - such as farm tractors or construction vehicles. Try to identify these vehicles as soon as possible 3.Wide Load Vehicles - reduce your speed & follow at a safe distance and pass only when it is safe to do so.

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