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Motion Chapter 10 Notes. Measuring Motion / Motion is a change in an object’s position relative to a reference point / Distance (d) measures the path.

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Chapter 10 Notes. Measuring Motion / Motion is a change in an object’s position relative to a reference point / Distance (d) measures the path."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Chapter 10 Notes

2 Measuring Motion / Motion is a change in an object’s position relative to a reference point / Distance (d) measures the path taken / Displacement (∆x) measures a change in an objects position / Includes a direction (North, South, Up, Down, etc) / Motion is a change in an object’s position relative to a reference point / Distance (d) measures the path taken / Displacement (∆x) measures a change in an objects position / Includes a direction (North, South, Up, Down, etc)

3 Measuring Motion / Which measurement should you use when calculating the amount of gas you will need for a trip? / Which measurement does the saying “as the crow flies” refer to? / Which measurement should you use when calculating the amount of gas you will need for a trip? / Which measurement does the saying “as the crow flies” refer to?

4 Units / Appropriate units for this measurement would be any type of length [L]. Examples include: / Km / Miles / Feet / Meter / centimeter / Appropriate units for this measurement would be any type of length [L]. Examples include: / Km / Miles / Feet / Meter / centimeter

5 Speed / Speed is: / Distance traveled divided by the time in which the motion occurred / Speed = distance / time / s = d/∆t / This is an average speed / Speed is: / Distance traveled divided by the time in which the motion occurred / Speed = distance / time / s = d/∆t / This is an average speed

6 Velocity / Velocity is: / Speed of an object in a given direction / Displacement divided by time over which displacement occurred / Velocity = displacement / time / v = ∆x/∆t / This is an average velocity / Velocity is: / Speed of an object in a given direction / Displacement divided by time over which displacement occurred / Velocity = displacement / time / v = ∆x/∆t / This is an average velocity

7 Units / Appropriate units for this measurement would be any type of length divided by time [L/T]. Examples include: / m/s / mi/hr (mph) / Km/min / cm/s / Appropriate units for this measurement would be any type of length divided by time [L/T]. Examples include: / m/s / mi/hr (mph) / Km/min / cm/s

8 Speed Calculation / What is the speed of a person running the 100m dash with a time of 9.75 seconds? / How long will it take to run 800m at this same pace? / What is the speed of a person running the 100m dash with a time of 9.75 seconds? / How long will it take to run 800m at this same pace?

9 Solution / 10.256 m/s / 78 seconds / 10.256 m/s / 78 seconds

10 Motion Graphs / A graph often used to study motion is a: / Position vs Time graph / Independent variable = Time / Dependent variable = Position / A graph often used to study motion is a: / Position vs Time graph / Independent variable = Time / Dependent variable = Position

11 Motion Graphs

12 / Speed can be determined from this graph by calculating the slope / Which object in the previous slide moved with the greatest speed? (pink, green or red) / Speed can be determined from this graph by calculating the slope / Which object in the previous slide moved with the greatest speed? (pink, green or red)

13 Acceleration / Acceleration is defined as a change in velocity / An object accelerates if it changes its speed or direction. Examples: / Speeding up / Slowing down / Turning / Acceleration is defined as a change in velocity / An object accelerates if it changes its speed or direction. Examples: / Speeding up / Slowing down / Turning

14 Acceleration / Acceleration is: / Change in velocity divided by the time in which the change occurred / Acceleration = velocity change / time interval / a = ∆v/∆t / Acceleration is: / Change in velocity divided by the time in which the change occurred / Acceleration = velocity change / time interval / a = ∆v/∆t

15 Units / Appropriate units for acceleration would be any type of length divided by time divided by time again [L/T 2 ]. Examples include: / Km/hr/sec / mi/min/min = mi/min 2 / ft/s/s= ft/s 2 / m/s/s=m/s 2 / cm/s/hr / Appropriate units for acceleration would be any type of length divided by time divided by time again [L/T 2 ]. Examples include: / Km/hr/sec / mi/min/min = mi/min 2 / ft/s/s= ft/s 2 / m/s/s=m/s 2 / cm/s/hr

16 Acceleration / Just like velocity, acceleration can be positive or negative / Positive acceleration occurs when the direction of velocity and the direction of acceleration are the same / Example: Car traveling North and pushing on gas to speed up / Just like velocity, acceleration can be positive or negative / Positive acceleration occurs when the direction of velocity and the direction of acceleration are the same / Example: Car traveling North and pushing on gas to speed up

17 Acceleration / Negative acceleration occurs when the direction of velocity and the direction of acceleration are opposite Example: Car traveling West and applying brake to slow down / Negative acceleration occurs when the direction of velocity and the direction of acceleration are opposite Example: Car traveling West and applying brake to slow down

18 Velocity Graphs / Another graph frequently used to analyze motion is a: / Velocity vs Time graph / Independent variable = Time / Dependent variable = Velocity / Another graph frequently used to analyze motion is a: / Velocity vs Time graph / Independent variable = Time / Dependent variable = Velocity

19 Velocity Graph

20 Velocity Graphs / The slope of a velocity graph is meaningful. The slope indicates the acceleration of an object. / Describe what the object in the previous graph was doing during the: / First 2 seconds / Next 3 seconds / Last 3 seconds / The slope of a velocity graph is meaningful. The slope indicates the acceleration of an object. / Describe what the object in the previous graph was doing during the: / First 2 seconds / Next 3 seconds / Last 3 seconds

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