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Welcome to the 12 th Annual League Leaders Day. Thank you for Coming.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 12 th Annual League Leaders Day. Thank you for Coming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 12 th Annual League Leaders Day

2 Thank you for Coming

3 Creating League Leader Building Blocks

4 1. Bylaws A. Rules of Operation for the Association

5 2. League Officers/Duties A. President Responsibilities a. Organize and Conduct Monthly Meetings b. Arrange for Guest Speakers at Monthly Meetings c. Work to Increase Membership


7 Compensation How When

8 B. Vice President a. Oversee Meetings in President’s Absence b. Assume President’s Role in Case of Resignation, Removal or Death c. Assist Officers with their Duties if Needed

9 Others?

10 Compensation How When

11 C. Secretary a.Keep Minutes of Monthly Meetings and Report at each Meeting b. File Necessary Paperwork with State Office c. Maintain Attendance Role from each Meeting


13 Compensation How When

14 D. Treasurer a.Payment of League Bills b. Deposit League Income c. Give Report at each Monthly Meeting


16 Compensation How When

17 E. Directors a.Help League Officers with their Duties b. Help Maintain and Grow Membership c. Participate on League Committees


19 Compensation How When

20 F. Past President a. Serve as Advisor to the President and the Board


22 Compensation How When

23 3. Committees a.Each Committee shall have at Least One Officer or Director b. Each Committee shall have a Chairperson c. Committee Chair will Give Timely Updates

24 A. Membership Committee B. Christmas Party Committee C. State League Calendar D. Raffle Committee E. Audit Committee

25 4. Operational Guidelines A. Meetings a. When? Where? b. How Selected B. Christmas Party a. When? Where? b. Selection Process

26 5. Golf Outing a. When b. Selection Process

27 6. Audits

28 7. State Raffles A. Football Mania B. Calendar

29 8. Bereavement Policy

30 9. Calendar

31 August Important highlights for the month: The monthly meeting will generally be held in Lafayette County. The report and money from the golf outing will be turned over to the appropriate league officers if it has not already been done. Tickets will be available for the poacher’s package. The state league calendar raffle committee will be formed. The Lafayette County Board Chairman and Sheriff will generally be invited to the league meeting. Football mania tickets must be returned. The host site for the October meeting will generally be set. The following will be highlighted in the league newsletter: That the State league calendar raffle committee will be formed. That the freedom run committee will be formed in September. That participants should bring freedom run materials to the September meeting. That the tickets for the poacher’s package are available. That the Christmas party committee is looking for the host site for the Christmas party. That the league is looking for local delegates to attend the fall convention in Oct.

32 Thank you for Coming

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