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BY: ASIA HILLIARD SAM MCMILLAN The Effect of Alcohol Chain Length on Psuedomonas Fluorescens Lag Phase.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: ASIA HILLIARD SAM MCMILLAN The Effect of Alcohol Chain Length on Psuedomonas Fluorescens Lag Phase."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY: ASIA HILLIARD SAM MCMILLAN The Effect of Alcohol Chain Length on Psuedomonas Fluorescens Lag Phase

2 Introduction Pseduomonas fluorescens: a gram negative, rod- shaped bacteria that is well-adapted to living in soil, water, and plant surface environments.

3 Preliminary Experiment

4 Question & Methods Question: What is the effect of alcohols of varying carbon chain length on the lag phase of Pseudomonas fluorescens? Method  Various alcohols  Various concentration of alcohol  Low salt Luria broth  Distilled water

5 Results

6 y = 778.93x - 697.5R² = 0.98431

7 Conclusion The carbon chain length of alcohol is directly proportional to an increase in Pseduomonas fluorescens lag phase. Future Questions:  To what extent does the trend line hold true?  What causes propyl alcohols to have a different effect on Pseudomonas fluorescens lag phase?

8 References Picture Sources Pugachev, Mikhail V.; Shtyrlin, Nikita V.; Sapozhnikov, Sergey V.; et al.Source: BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 21 Issue: 23 Pag es: 73307342 DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.20 13.09.056 Published: DEC 1 2013 Yang, Shan; Zhang, Zhiqing; Wang, Fang; et al.Source: JOURNAL OF POLYMERRESEARCHVolume: 20Issue: 12 ArticleNumber: 307 DOI: 10.1007/s 1096501303071Published: NOV 2 2013 Lee, Soo Youn; Lee, Seonyoung; Lee, Jiho; et al.Source: MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 110Pages: 229232 DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2013.08.050 Published: NOV 1 2013 jsp?title=Alkanols jsp?title=Alkanols logs/cw/2009/12/18/che mistry-worlds-weekly- round-up-of-money-and- molecules-98/ logs/cw/2009/12/18/che mistry-worlds-weekly- round-up-of-money-and- molecules-98/ Resources

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