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The Wisdom of Solomon Jason John Cecelia. Page  2 Characters' Relationship Solomon King DavidBathsheba Haggith - - - - - Adonijah Joad DIE!! Brother.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wisdom of Solomon Jason John Cecelia. Page  2 Characters' Relationship Solomon King DavidBathsheba Haggith - - - - - Adonijah Joad DIE!! Brother."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wisdom of Solomon Jason John Cecelia

2 Page  2 Characters' Relationship Solomon King DavidBathsheba Haggith - - - - - Adonijah Joad DIE!! Brother Couple Married Couple “I am a wise King I'll judge the case!” Woman A Woman B “It's my baby!!” SonSon SonSon Subordinate Enemy

3 Page  3 Story Begins Now... King David passed away, left a gloomy intricate environment in his country, especially in the place he lived... Before he passed away, he left few words to his son Solomon : "Be strong, be courageous, and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his ordinances, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn."

4 Page  4 After Solomon obtained the throne of Israel The first thing he did after that was to eradicate his brother, Adonijah, and his allies. In that way he enforced his power of controlling the country. His power also had influenced Egypt. So that he got married with the daughter of the Pharaoh. He set a system to rule the country effectively : dividing his country to 12 parts and let 12 ministers to govern each parts.

5 Page  5

6 Page  6 Religion of the Family Just like his father King David, Solomon was also a believer of God. He did sacrificing periodically ; he built the house of the Lord.

7 Page  7 Religion of the Family During one ritual of sacrificing to Lord, Solomon dreamt of the Lord. The Lord asked what did Solomon wanted. What did he asked for? Longevity? Wealth? Woman? The answer of him pleased the Lord...

8 Page  8

9 Page  9 The Wise Solomon His request was the ability to decern right or wrong. He showed the ability through judging a case of two women. The case was about two women arguing for their rights to be the mother of a baby. The Solomon asked to divide the child in two, then give each of them one part. Then he saw one of the women crying while the other one was indifferent. So he gave the right to the crying woman.Because only the true mother will felt desperatly sad. By judging this case, he obtained the popularity and good reputation among his people in the country.

10 Page  10

11 Page  11 Our Understanding of the Story... From a religious perspective: The lesson the story ‘the wisdom of Solomon’ gives us is the general idea of the bible, just demonstrated through the character of King Solomon. They are trying to teach the readers that if they are faithful to God and truly wish the best for their fellow man, they would be rewarded. The Lord giving Solomon wisdom demonstrates that.

12 Page  12 From a Literature Point of view: It might be an interest to other writers as the bible itself is one of the oldest forms of literature around and Solomon being such a famous character, they might want to know how the story would have been adapted in the bible. So to compare in a sentence: Religious people might be more inspired by the deep religious faith Solomon had towards god, however those who see this as just a story may be more intrigued by the wisdom Solomon had and how it was used to rule his people.

13 Page  13 Thank you for listening

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