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Year 7 Health Year 7 Health YOU’VE GOT TO BE CHOKING!!!!!

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1 Year 7 Health Year 7 Health YOU’VE GOT TO BE CHOKING!!!!!

2 Our worst serial killer ! Our worst serial killer ! Tobacco smoking in Australia causes....   19,000 deaths a year   80% of all drug-related deaths   More deaths than car accidents, illicit drugs, alcohol, AIDS, murder, suicide, diabetes, breast & skin cancer... COMBINED!   Massive illness, disability & suffering   National cost of $21 billion a year Aust Inst of Health & Welfare 2002


4 What’s in Tobacco smoke?  Nicotine is a poison that is highly addictive.  Swallowing two or three drops of pure nicotine can kill an adult.  When used as a concentrated insect spray, nicotine is 10 times more toxic than DDT.  Voluntary agreements with the tobacco industry ensure that the amount of nicotine in Australian made cigarettes is limited to 1.4mg. Nicotine

5 Nicotine cont..  It takes 7.5 seconds for nicotine to act on the brain after inhaling cigarette smoke. The initial effect is stimulation followed by a relaxed feeling about half an hour later.  The absorption of nicotine and its distribution to the brain and other body organs and tissues is very rapid.

6 The effects of Nicotine  Stimulating the nervous system.  Increasing heart rate  Raising blood pressure  Constricting small blood vessels under the skin which can cause wrinkles  Decrease in circulation in body extremities like fingers and toes  Increase the possibility of heart attack


8 Smoking and children In Australia (1998), while just under 22% of adults smoke weekly (AIHW survey 2001).....  25% of secondary students (269,000) smoke weekly  A third of 16-17-year-olds smoke weekly  Children consume 353 MILLION cigarettes a year Cancer Council Vic national survey released April 2002  90% of all adult smokers start smoking as children  Kids addicted more rapidly (new research)

9 Smoking and children cont.  Targeting children “23% of the population is 15 years of age and under. 17% is 16-24... Given predisposition to try/adopt new brands, this segment represents significant market opportunity... Overall objective: Position Marlboro as a ‘cult’ brand – to attract new smokers.” Marlboro marketing strategy in Australia, 1990

10 Who profits from youth Smoking Who profits from youth Smoking  Each year, $167m revenue from tobacco sales to underage Australians  Tobacco industry clears $1.14m profit  Government gets more than $100m revenue Cancer Council Vic survey 2002

11 TEST YOUR SMOKING I.Q.  DIRECTIONS: Place a T for True or an F for False in the blank to the left.  ____ 1. The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer.  ____ 2. The tar in cigarettes causes addiction.  ____ 3. Cigarette smoking can lead to heart disease.  ____ 4. Over 1,000 people die each day from smoking.  ____ 5. It is safe to smoke filtered cigarettes.  ____ 6. Chewing tobacco contains less nicotine than cigarettes.

12 TEST YOUR SMOKING I.Q. ( CON’T )  ____ 7. Nine out of ten people with lung cancer will die.  ____ 8. Being in a smoke-filled room for one hour is the same as smoking one cigarette.  ____ 9. A woman who smokes during pregnancy can harm the fetus.  ____ 10. Polonium is a radioactive element found in cigarette smoke.  ____ 11. Cigarette smoking kills more people each year than all the deaths due to AIDS, heroin, crack, cocaine, car accidents, murder, fire, and alcohol combined.  ____ 12. Smoking pipes and cigars is a great deal less dangerous than smoking cigarettes.

13 WHAT SMOKING CAN DO FOR YOU  Stained teeth  Stale smell in hair  Stuffy nose  Lung cancer  Heart disease  Mouth cancer  Chronic bronchitis  Emphysema  Stroke

14 WHAT SMOKING CAN DO FOR YOU (CON’T)  Halitosis ( bad breath )  Skin wrinkles  Deadened taste buds  Damaged cilia  Irritated throat  Increased heartbeat  Stained, yellow fingers  Less oxygen to lungs  Odour of smoke in clothes

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