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STAC Extended meeting Coordination/Support Action on Fusion Data General Introduction and Background European Commission Research DG Yvan Capouet Head.

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Presentation on theme: "STAC Extended meeting Coordination/Support Action on Fusion Data General Introduction and Background European Commission Research DG Yvan Capouet Head."— Presentation transcript:

1 STAC Extended meeting Coordination/Support Action on Fusion Data General Introduction and Background European Commission Research DG Yvan Capouet Head of RTD-J-4 Fusion Agreements

2 –Present rationale of the coordination and support action –Provide guidance on the needs of the programme –Provide all information/guidance on the call for proposals –Encourage the formation of appropriate consortia –Provide initial guidance for the proposers Objectives of this meeting

3 RATIONALE FOR COORDINATION AND SUPPORT ACTIONS IN THE EURATOM WORK PROGRAMME 2007 lThe Euratom Work Programme 2007 defines the technical scope of actions to be funded and provides information on the implementation arrangements. lIt provides for a mix of specific instruments as well as three coordination and support actions. lUnlike the specific instruments, coordination and support actions are managed through calls for proposals. lThey are open to entities that are not participating through the specific instruments (including international participants). lTheir aim is to strengthen the interfaces of the fusion community with related scientific communities, to support and coordinate critical mass cooperation between the associations and EFDA with relevant institutions active in the provision of essential cooperation/services to the fusion community (provision of essential data).

4 Call Information FP7 – Fusion - 2007 lDate of Publication: 22 May 2007 lDeadline: 23 October 2007 l3 Topics: Fusion education, Materials research, Fusion data lIndicative budget (3 topics): 5 Mio € lTimetable: Evaluation - November 2007 Selection – December 2007 Negotiations of contract – beginning of 2008 Contracts signature : early 2008 lRate of support: to be negotiated, up to 100% lForms of grant: reimbursement of eligible costs (including flat rates on indirect costs)

5 CSA on Fusion Data lObjective: to support the provision of essential data commonly needed for diagnostics and modeling across the programme. lExpected impact: - improved capability to interpret results of experiments - improved predictive capability for ITER - support the general objectives of the programme lPossible scope: - activities to identify needs of the community in relation to databases - activities to facilitate access to existing databases - activities to update and develop databases in targeted areas

6 Support action lPurpose: normally focused on one specific activity lParticipation: at least one legal entity (consortium feasible) lActivities: èSupport and dissemination, studies, fact finding, monitoring èStrategy and policy development, working in experts group, information and communication, management of the consortium, èSeminars, workshops, conferences èPreparation of technological development policy, development of synergies with other policies èStimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of SMEs, small research teams and newly developed research centers in the thematic area, setting up of research- interactive clusters,.. èTransnational Access to infrastructure lDuration: up to 2-4 years

7 Coordination action lPurpose: consistent set of activities focusing on coordination of research activities and policies lParticipation: at least 3 legal entities established in different EU Member States lActivities: èNetworking, coordination and dissemination activities èConferences, meetings, workshops, studies, exchange of personnel èDefinition, organisation and management of joint initiatives lTypical duration: up to 2-4 years

8 Eligibility criteria lProposal received before the deadline of the call (submitted through a special web-based service, EPSS) lAt least three participants for a coordination action lAt least one participant for a support action lProposal have to relate to the topic on the Work Programme lProposal is complete (administrative forms and proposal description)

9 Evaluation criteria lScientific and technological excellence èQuality and effectiveness of the coordination/support action mechanisms and associated work plan èFor coordination, contribution to the coordination of high quality research lQuality and efficiency of the implementation and the management èQuality of the consortium as a whole including complementarity, balance and relevance èAppropriateness of the allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment) lPotential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results èAppropriateness of measures for spreading excellence, exploiting results, and dissemination knowledge, through engagement with stakeholders

10 International cooperation lOpen to the participation of countries having concluded the necessary agreements lAlso open at the project level, on the basis of mutual benefit and subject to the acceptance by the consortium, to the participation of entities from third countries and of international organizations for scientific cooperation.

11 Title of the presentation

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