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Instructor:Mr. Wayne Wood McGill University Environmental Safety Office Chancellor Day Hall, room 615 Telephone: 398-4563

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor:Mr. Wayne Wood McGill University Environmental Safety Office Chancellor Day Hall, room 615 Telephone: 398-4563"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructor:Mr. Wayne Wood McGill University Environmental Safety Office Chancellor Day Hall, room 615 Telephone: 398-4563 Essentials of Laboratory Safety

2 Before Lab Work, Get to Know: Hazards of materials & agents and their prescribed safety procedures

3 Also Get to Know: [Emergency spill procedures, use of adsorbents and disinfectants [Designated escape route and alternate [Location of fire ext., eye wash, shower, first aid, and spill kits

4 Downtown Campus Before Lab Work, Get to Know: Emergency telephone numbers and reporting procedures For emergencies requiring internal assistance call: 3000

5 Downtown Campus For emergencies requiring external assistance call: 9-1-1 From a McGill telephone. If using a cell or payphone call 398-3000 immediately after calling 911.

6 (Macdonald Campus) Before Lab Work, Get to Know: Emergency telephone numbers and reporting procedures For all emergencies call: 7777

7 While Working in the Lab: [Shoes with full coverage and good grip soles [Restrain long hair, loose clothing and jewelry [Use appropriate eye, skin, and hand protection

8 Eye protection Protects against risk of flying objects or dust particles, splashes of hazardous materials or harmful rays

9 Safety Glasses Unbreakable lenses of plastic or tempered glass For light-to-moderate work Can be prescription lenses Do not interfere with contact lenses

10 Goggles Work with significant risk of splash of chemicals or projectiles Can be worn over prescription glasses

11 Face Shield Work with significant risk of splash on face or possible explosion Face shield protects face adequately but not eyes

12 Hand Protection 4 Protects against risk of cuts, abrasions, burns, or exposure to hazardous materials. 4 Requires selection of the appropriate chemical resistant gloves

13 While Working in the Lab: [Follow universal precautions [Handle unknowns as if they were hazardous

14 While Working in the Lab: [Handle volatiles in a chemical fume hood Contain bioaerosols in a biological safety cabinet

15 While Working in the Lab: [Use mechanical transfer devices

16 While Working in the Lab: [Authorized persons only [Identify EVERYTHING! [No food, beverages, tobacco products, or application of cosmetics

17 Close Calls 1 10 600 30 Disabling injury Minor injuries Property damage incidents Report all: [ Accidents [ Injuries [ Fires [ Spills [ Close calls While Working in the Lab:

18 Before Leaving the Lab: Turn off: [Gas [Water [Power supplies [Vacuum lines [Compression lines [Heating apparatus

19 Before Leaving the Lab: [Identify and package waste, dispose properly [Lock/out and tag/out defective equipment [Decontaminate work surfaces and equipment

20 Before Leaving the Lab: [Return unused equipment, apparatus, etc. [Leave lab coat in the lab [Wash [Close and lock door

21 Evaluating Lab Hazards Regular review of the types of hazards: chemical physical biological ergonomic mechanical Minor Variation in Procedure

22 Weekly Lab Checks Eye wash (purge) Fire extinguisher First Aid Kit Fume Hood Tubing, pressurized connections Chemical storage

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