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Spotlights on Postgraduate Education AMEE 2008 Prague by David Wall.

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Presentation on theme: "Spotlights on Postgraduate Education AMEE 2008 Prague by David Wall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spotlights on Postgraduate Education AMEE 2008 Prague by David Wall

2 Where is the West Midlands in England?

3 Spotlights  Staff Development  Assessment  Professionalism  Simulation  Patient Safety  Leadership  I will give some examples of each of these

4 Spotlight on Staff Development  Excellent consultant role models  Mentoring  Appraisal outcomes adding value  Certificate Course for Health Professionals  Staff development does work

5 Spotlight on Staff Development Staff development does work

6 Spotlight on Assessment  Workplace based assessments  Mini-CEX in various situations  Validity and reliability of assessments  360 degree assessments  Setting the standards in assessment  Assessing the assessors  Mini-CEX in Arabic language consultations  Patients assessing doctors

7 Mini-CEX in Arabic language consultations Five implicit criteria for assessment

8 Patients assessing the doctor

9 Spotlight on Professionalism  Much emphasis on Professionalism  How do we teach and assess professionalism?  Attitudes and Behaviours  Giving effective feedback on unprofessional behaviours  The Yellow Card from St Andrews

10 Spotlight on Professionalism The yellow card from St Andrews

11 A Red Card here!

12 Spotlight on Simulation  Practical procedures teaching  Difficult airway training  Harvey  Simulated patients  Web CT in obstetrics – during delivery

13 Spotlight on Simulation Web CT in intra-partum obstetrics

14 Spotlight on Patient Safety  Patient safety training in The Netherlands  Patient safety data on use of medicines  Interprofessional education to enhance patient safety  Improving patient safety in the operating theatre

15 Spotlight on Patient Safety Safety in the operating theatre

16 Spotlight on Leadership  Realisation that leadership matters  Leadership training helps  Leading a successful team  Medical Leadership Competency Framework  What do the junior doctors think about leadership?  Not all about the authoritarian leader model

17 Spotlight on Leadership Leading a successful team

18 Spotlights – a Summary  Staff Development  Assessment  Professionalism  Simulation  Patient Safety  Leadership  I have given some examples of each of these

19 Lichfield Cathedral at sunset A West Midlands landmark since the 13 th Century

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