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DATAGRID Testbed Work Package (report) F.Etienne, A.Ghiselli CNRS/IN2P3 – Marseille, INFN-CNAF Bologna DATAGRID Conference, 7-9 March 2001 Amsterdam.

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Presentation on theme: "DATAGRID Testbed Work Package (report) F.Etienne, A.Ghiselli CNRS/IN2P3 – Marseille, INFN-CNAF Bologna DATAGRID Conference, 7-9 March 2001 Amsterdam."— Presentation transcript:

1 DATAGRID Testbed Work Package (report) F.Etienne, A.Ghiselli CNRS/IN2P3 – Marseille, INFN-CNAF Bologna DATAGRID Conference, 7-9 March 2001 Amsterdam

2 27-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Testbed Sites map Dubna Moscow RAL Lund Lisboa Santander Madrid Valencia Barcelona Paris Berlin Lyon Grenoble Marseille Brno Prague Torino Milano BO-CNAF PD-LNL Pisa Roma Catania ESRIN CERN HEP sites ESA sites IPSL Estec KNMI (>40)

3 37-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Partners ZIB (Berlin) PPARC 9 CNRS 10 sites CZECH Republic 2 sites CERNINFN 12 sites Spain 5 sites ESA- Esrin 4 sites LIP (Lisboa) Russia 6 sites WP6 Coordinator: Francois Etienne Deputy : Antonia Ghiselli S.Jarp P.Martucci A.Ghiselli L.Gaido D. Newbold A.Sansum R.J.Wilson G.Brugnoni F.Etienne S.Nicoud A.Merzky F.Schintke J.Gomes M.Ruda H.Sverenyak Nordic C. 4 O.Smirnova A.Waaranen ………… B.A.Llyin Nikhef 1 W.Heubers

4 47-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Testbed organization Permanent Group, to coordinate and plan the test activity: –Partner representatives –Technical committee –Site contacts –Testbed support Release Teams: one team for each Release validation phase Documentation: –“Testbed organization plan” –“Testbed site list and resource description” Web site (e-mails, documentation, testbed software repositor and services) marianne.in2p3.f

5 57-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Permanent Group –Partners representatives To coordinate testbed activity and evolution To define resource access policies in collaboration with the owner of the resources To approve test plans

6 67-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Permanent Group cont. Technical Committee: to coordinate grid basic services and define test plans to be approved by the partners. –Requirements group (WPs Middleware, applications) To define the testbed requirements for WP tests (resources, services..) and for the validation of WP software releases –Information service group coordinator The IS group has to plan and support the IS service configuration for the Testbed. –Certification Authority coordinator To solve the multiple CA certificate issue for DATAgrid with the CA managers. –Security group coordinator To find the best mechanism to implement the access policies using the Globus Security Infrastructure To provide the architectural model for security to ATF –Kit installation group coordinator –Network layout and services : oneWP7 representative – technical input from WP7 and WP6 requirements to WP7

7 77-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Permanent Group cont. –Site Contacts :(a coordinator per organization) To manage grid site-resources To implement the access policies To install software packages decided by the technical committee and by the release team To provide local support for the official releases

8 87-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Permanent Group cont. –Testbed Support To organize and provide support and documentation on the official testbed software to site contacts (and in collaboration with them) and users. Need of direct channel with the Globus Team (testbed support & IS support)

9 97-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Working model Testbed has the main goal to provide the grid-layout for test activity of each WP and organize the software release validation process. Working model defines the validation process of each software package released by the DATAGRID Work Packages.

10 107-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam 1.WP test activity: Testbed WP will provide the basic layout for test activity of each DATAGRID WPs. 2. WP Release: a team of people from WPs, applications, testbed and network will organize the test environment for this release, do the tests, provide feedback to the WP and validate the release for the next test phase. 3.Testbed Release : the previous software release will be integrated to the last official testbed release. This new release will be tested in a larger environment in order to be validated for the next final testing phase. 4.Official Testbed Release:a new team including also users will organize a quasi-production environment in order to certificate this release as new official testbed release. Working Model

11 117-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam MIDDLEWARE AND APPLICATIONS Specific WP test activity WPx team I WP Release + appl. test Testbed + WPx + appl. Team II Testbed Release :integration into testbed release and test in larger environment Testbed + WPs and appl. Team III Official Testbed Release test in quasi-production environment + Users Team Official Testbed RELEASE NETWORKNETWORK TESTBEDTESTBED Development Version Production Version

12 127-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Release Teams Temporary groups set up for each specific WP release to certificate the different release validation phases. For each release the membership has to be set up. Clarifications: –the software code is owned by the WPs. –Testbed WP organizes the ‘release certification’ and distribute the installation kit of the integrated WP releases also called “Testbed official release”.

13 137-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Goals of Testbed 0 release Grid basic services deployment at european level, based on Globus toolkit; main coordination issues are: – Information services –Resource access:Certification, Security and policies management –Installation kit and documentation Network layout monitoring tools First Grid Middleware tests First Grid Applications tests

14 147-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Org.Cluster nodes L=Linux Job man.Globu s TEN-155 access (bps) # sites# people (>100) CERN5 LLSFy155M1 CZECH64LPBS,Con.y68M2 ESASGI,Sun, PCCondory34M to cern 155M France14L + LyonC. BQSy5 Germany5Lforky310M3 INFN54L,4SunLSF,PBS, Condor y155 to EU12 Portugal8LPBSy34M1 Russia40LPBS,..y5 Spain5Lforky45M5 Sweden2 ->100LPBS,Con.y 200M (Nordnt) 1+.. UK10L +….PBSy155M5 Summary (provisional)

15 157-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Globus toolkit installation 3 toolkits are available (IT, UK and FR) –Necessity to converge in order to be able to share the same environment, experiences, problems, etc. –Need to accomodate tailoring for specific environments –Avoid duplication of efforts for common tools –Create a development environment useful to other WPs -  Set up a working group of 7 people to converge on common tools and a common environment (within 3 weeks).

16 167-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam GIS Topology EU GIIS o=datagrid0 INFN (Italy) dc=infn,dc=it,o=datagrid0 France dc=fr,o=datagrid0 LIP (Portugal) dc=lip,dc=pt,o=datagrid0... dc=in2p3,dc=fr,o=datagrid... (root server at Cern) –Support for GIS deployment in place (Top level server)

17 177-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Certificate Authority status WP6 Certificate Authority group is in place since december 2000 National CA already in operation for DataGrid Testbed0 –CERN –Czech Republic –France –Italy –Netherlands –Portugal –Spain –UK Successful tests of globus job submission between CA domains

18 187-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam User access policy in testbed0: just simple GRID- mapfiles –Application manager has to ask the testbed managers the authorization to access the testbed resources –The site contacts will receive the requests and will implement the accounts accordingly to local policies. –There will be personal accounts only –WP8/9/10 should specify what they need Security –general security group is going to be set up WP6 security reps plus reps from other WP’s How do we handle authorisation in DataGrid?

19 197-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam DataGrid WP7 Network Monitoring for Tesbed 0 What’s being Proposed –Six “pre-testbed” sites identified to trial monitoring methods and the display of data. Aim to be up and running by end March.

20 207-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Globus activities within INFN WP “Installation and Evaluation of the Globus Toolkit” of the INFN-GRID Project Goal: evaluate the Globus toolkit as a GRID framework providing basic services – work plan Globus deployment and installation tools Evaluation of Globus security services Evaluation of Grid Information Service Evaluation of Globus services for resource management Evaluation of Globus tools for data management Evaluation of Globus HBM for fault monitoring Evaluation of Globus GEM for execution environment management The activities of this WP are over –A report on this evaluation will be soon available (

21 217-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Globus activity within INFN Conclusions: the Globus toolkit can provide basic services useful to create and deploy usable Grids, but many shortcomings and issues must be addressed Usuful input for testbed0 Globus is a project therefore the software is evolving – needs to install the new releases of Globus as available –needs of collaboration with the Globus team for test feedbacks and new requirements

22 227-9 March 2001DATAgrid Conference - Amsterdam Testbed delivery dates –April, D6.1 ( Report) Testbed software integration process, operational policies, and procedures –June, D6.2 (Report) Project release policy, definitions, evaluation targets and schedules (release of testbed0) –September D6.3 (Prototype) First project release (testbed1) –Waiting for test requests

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