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Hansen – Managing Safely 1 Risk Assessment for Responsible Managers and Lead Assessors Mark Mallen Health and Safety Manager Fenlock Hansen Ltd.

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2 Hansen – Managing Safely 1 Risk Assessment for Responsible Managers and Lead Assessors Mark Mallen Health and Safety Manager Fenlock Hansen Ltd

3 Hansen – Managing Safely 2 Introduction Why? To prevent accidents and ill health! It’s the Law!

4 Hansen – Managing Safely 3 Objectives State 2 reasons why we conduct risk assessment Define hazard Identify 5 workplace hazards Describe two key elements in risk

5 Hansen – Managing Safely 4 Objectives Describe the key elements in the hierarchy of control Describe how we do it Identify when they should be done Conduct a risk assessment

6 Hansen – Managing Safely 5 Contents Legal Framework Hazard and Risk Risk Assessment The Hansen Method What Next Practical Exercise

7 Hansen – Managing Safely 6 Legal Framework The management of health and safety at work regulations 1999, regulation 3 – Requires employers and self employed persons to conduct an assessment of the risk to workers and others who may be affected by their activities

8 Hansen – Managing Safely 7 Legal Framework Who is Responsible? – the employer – can arrange for assistance Employers must record their significant findings

9 Hansen – Managing Safely 8 Legal Framework A team activity!

10 Hansen – Managing Safely 9 Legal Framework When – Every time – When things change – An accident or near miss

11 Hansen – Managing Safely 10 Legal Framework Regularly reviewed – ‘suitable and sufficient’ Hansen review annually

12 Hansen – Managing Safely 11 Legal Framework Employee Duties – Comply with reasonable requests – Follow safe systems of work – Use the equipment provided

13 Hansen – Managing Safely 12 Risk Assessment How – Define and study the task – Identify what could go wrong – How people might be harmed – Determine precautions to protect people

14 Hansen – Managing Safely 13 Risk Assessment Establish a Safe Working Practice Not a paper exercise

15 Hansen – Managing Safely 14 Risk Assessment Hazard – Something with the Potential to Cause Harm

16 Hansen – Managing Safely 15 Risk Assessment Hazard

17 Hansen – Managing Safely 16 Risk Assessment Risk – The measure of how probable that someone will be harmed by a hazard and how severe that harm may be

18 Hansen – Managing Safely 17 Risk Assessment Risk

19 Hansen – Managing Safely 18 Risk Assessment The Hansen method

20 Hansen – Managing Safely 19 Control Measures Hierarchy of control

21 Hansen – Managing Safely 20 Hierarchy of Control Eliminate the hazard Engineered Methods – ‘Safe Place’ Procedures and Training – ‘Safe Person’ Personal Protective Equipment A combination of the above methods

22 Hansen – Managing Safely 21 Hierarchy of Control Physical engineering controls and safeguards - safe place – Normally more reliable than ‘safe person’

23 Hansen – Managing Safely 22 Hierarchy of Control PPE is the least favoured option – Only provides protection when it is worn properly and maintained – The hazard is always present

24 Hansen – Managing Safely 23 What Next? Forward Agree Adopt Issue Discuss

25 Hansen – Managing Safely 24 What Next? Record issue and training Develop a ‘safe working practice’ In place Start Manage

26 Hansen – Managing Safely 25 Remember! Keep it Simple Make sure people know it and understand it Say what we do Do what we say Manage Support your team

27 Hansen – Managing Safely 26 Objectives State two reasons why we conduct risk assessment What is a hazard Identify 5 workplace hazards Describe two key elements in risk

28 Hansen – Managing Safely 27 Objectives List the hierarchy of control How do we conduct assessments When should they be done Conduct a risk assessment

29 Hansen – Managing Safely 28 Risk Assessment Thanks for listening –Any questions Don’t forget, – Be safe!

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