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Trish Viale Mt. Lebanon High School March 28, 2011 WPCTE Conference: Technology in the English Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Trish Viale Mt. Lebanon High School March 28, 2011 WPCTE Conference: Technology in the English Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trish Viale Mt. Lebanon High School March 28, 2011 WPCTE Conference: Technology in the English Classroom

2 1. 23227267726!4 23227267726!4 2. 23168039674!4 23168039674!4 3. 23158168332!4 23158168332!4

3  Humans have a "preconscious psychic disposition that enables [us] to react in a human manner."  Archetypes are instinctual  Images span all cultures and nations “Archetypes as Defined by Carl Jung.” Jung’ s Archetypes. Aug 15, 2008. Feb 14, 2011.

4  Water including the sea & rivers  Sun including the rising sun & setting sun  Colors, specifically red, green, white, blue & black  The circle in a variety of forms  The serpent  Numbers, specifically 3, 4, & 7  Woman & man  Nature, specifically the garden, tree, & desert

5 Movie Trailers compliments of YouTube

6 Digital storytelling is the process of writing a story and then incorporating multimedia elements of voice, imagery and music to create a visual story.

7  Pre-write & brainstorm  Write a script & plan  Create a storyboard  Film  Edit  Share & enjoy

8 Storytelling Teaching Tools Visual Portrait of story (VPS)

9 Self-made scoring guides American Film Institute Handbook Storyboard on pg. 19 Jennifer Dorman, Account Manager for the Discovery Educator Network


11  Phone: 412-344-2003 x13513  Email:  Wiki space: http://viale-digital- storytelling.wikispaces.comhttp://viale-digital- Special thanks to: Special thanks to: Bridget Belardi Instructional Technologist of Mt. Lebanon District for materials and ideas

12  Choose an archetypal image from the list  Choose a partner; make a friend!  In 15 minutes, create a story board for your story  Aim for clarity  Capture the essence of the image  Share

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