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Calculate Standard Deviation ANALYZE THE SPREAD OF DATA.

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1 Calculate Standard Deviation ANALYZE THE SPREAD OF DATA.

2 43210 In addition to level 3.0 and above and beyond what was taught in class, the student may: · Make connection with other concepts in math · Make connection with other content areas. The student will summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable. - Comparing data includes analyzing center of data (mean/median), interquartile range, shape distribution of a graph, standard deviation and the effect of outliers on the data set. - Read, interpret and write summaries of two-way frequency tables which includes calculating joint, marginal and relative frequencies. The student will be able to: - Make dot plots, histograms, box plots and two-way frequency tables. - Calculate standard deviation. - Identify normal distribution of data (bell curve) and convey what it means. With help from the teacher, the student has partial success with summarizing and interpreting data displayed in a dot plot, histogram, box plot or frequency table. Even with help, the student has no success understandin g statistical data. Focus 6 Learning Goal – (HS.S-ID.A.1, HS.S-ID.A.2, HS.S-ID.A.3, HS.S-ID.B.5) = Students will summarize, represent and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable.

3 Standard Deviation  Standard Deviation is a measure of how spread out numbers are in a data set.  It is denoted by σ (sigma).  Mean and standard deviation are most frequently used when the distribution of data follows a bell curve (normal distribution).

4 Formula for Standard Deviation

5 Calculate the standard deviation of the data set: 60, 56, 58, 60, 61

6 Measures of Deviation Practice Measures of Deviation Practice (Each student needs a copy of the activity.)

7 Measures of Deviation Practice (35 – 60.71) = -25.71 661.00 (50 – 60.71) = -10.71 114.70 (60 – 60.71) = -0.71 0.50 (60 – 60.71) = -0.71 0.50 (75 – 60.71) = 14.29 204.20 (65 – 60.71) = 4.29 18.40 (80 – 60.71) = 19.29 372.10 1,371.40

8 Measures of Deviation Practice Explain what the mean and standard deviation mean in the context of the problem. A typical phone at the electronics store costs about $60.71. However, 68% of the phones will be $15.12 lower and higher than that price. ($45.59 – $75.83)

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