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Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Presentation of the Superintendent’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Budget.

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Presentation on theme: "Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Presentation of the Superintendent’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Budget."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Presentation of the Superintendent’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Budget

2 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures To ensure excellence in teaching and learning so that each student will participate responsibly in a diverse and changing world.

3 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures FY09FY10$ Change% Change County$454.8$457.6$2.80.6% State$191.8$192.6$0.80.4% Other$10.5$6.5($4.0)(37.8%) Total$657.1$656.7($0.4)(0.1%) Setting the Stage

4 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Eliminated 10.5 central office positions Furloughed 77 central office employees Reduced conference and meeting funds by 50% Reduced contributions to Workers Compensation Fund by $800,000 Deferred replacement of all cars, trucks and vans Reduced funds for maintenance by $1M Forward funded Technology Fund and Health Insurance

5 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures The proposed budget totals $664.8 million An increase of $8.1 million 1.2%

6 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Major Cost Increases $3.6M User charges for Technology Fund $9.6M Health insurance increase $13.2M INCREASE ($5.1M) Reductions to offset costs (P.A.R.E.) $8.1M FINAL INCREASE

7 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures 9.0 central services and maintenance positions Replacement of cars, trucks and vans Building repair and maintenance Inflationary increases for supplies and textbooks Utilities costs Contracted services across numerous programs Major Reductions

8 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Anticipated Revenues

9 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Anticipated Revenues FY10FY11$ Change% Change County$457.6$464.6$7.01.5% State$192.6$194.3$1.70.9% Other$6.5$5.9($0.6)(9.4%) Total$656.7$664.8$8.11.2%

10 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures


12 Administration Maintains a solid base of administrative functions Reduces BOE program expenses by 5% Decreases supplies for Student Assessment and Program Evaluation by 11% Eliminates 1.0 Human Resources Specialist Decreases funding to Partnerships Office, Staff Relations/Equity Assurance, Payroll, Business Services Increases funds for outside auditing costs

13 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Mid-Level Administration Maintains leadership for all systemic and school-based programs. Eliminates 4 positions and consolidates functions Decreases TV and Video Production costs by 8% Maintains staffing ratios for all school-based administration; adds 1.0 assistant principal for growth Funds software to enhance the substitute system

14 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Instruction Maintains class sizes, instructional programs, staffing formulas Adds a net 7.0 teachers for growth Continues funding for HSA academic support Funds library media furnishings at Patuxent Valley MS Funds media collection upgrade at Mt. Hebron HS Anticipates growth in Summer School Program Reduces workshop wages, supplies, contracted services, consultants

15 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Special Education Maintains all Special Education programs and staffing formulas. Decreases funds for consultants Reduces 1.0 mental health technician and 1.0 paraeducator position from Bridges Program Moves $3 million in program costs to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Pass Through Grant

16 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures $1,525,430 Summer School pay across Special Education programs $ 503,430 Contracted services and labor across Special Education programs $ 790,550 Non-public placements $ 77,000 Equipment from Countywide Services $ 116,700 Social Security Costs (Fixed Charges) $3,013,110 TOTAL American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

17 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Pupil Personnel and Health Services Maintains all pupil services programs Assigns duties of Pupil Personnel Coordinator to the Alternative Education Coordinator Maintains staffing ratios for nurses and health assistants

18 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Transportation Maintains bus transportation for approximately 40,000 eligible students Funds anticipated changes in cost of contracts and routes

19 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Operation of Plant Maintains a safe learning environment Reduces custodial overtime; redirects funds to cover increase in supply costs by $121,800 Reduces funding for utilities by $1.5M due to reductions in cost and use Saves $70,000 through new trash collection and recycling contracts Reduces pest control fund by $49,540

20 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Maintenance of Plant Maintains a safe learning environment Defers replacement of cars, trucks and vans for 2nd year Eliminates 1.0 assistant manager and 3.0 maintenance positions Reduces funds for overtime Defers painting, flooring, cosmetic repairs to pavement and sidewalks Reduces funds for summer temporary services

21 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Fixed Charges Maintains benefits for employees Increases contributions to General Health Fund Adds funds for retirement costs and accrued leave pay-out for anticipated retirements Increases funds for unemployment costs Moves $116,700 to American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Pass-through grant for social security

22 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Community Services and Capital Outlay Maintains a safe learning environment and support for community use Decreases funds for grounds repairs, maintenance supplies and materials, equipment purchase, and vehicle maintenance Reflects decreased costs of gas and electric utilities to support community use

23 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures The beginning…

24 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Budget Process Schedule Tuesday, Feb. 2, 7pmPublic Hearing Thursday, Feb. 4, 7pmWork Session I Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1-5pmWork Session II Tuesday, Feb. 16, 7pmWork Session III Thursday, Feb. 18, 1-5pmWork Session IV Tuesday, Feb. 23, 9amAdoption of BOE Request

25 Stewardship of Our Children’s Futures Work Session Schedule Feb. 4 - Work Session I Revenues Operation of Plant Maintenance Community Services Transportation Administration (plus Student Accounting) Capital Outlay Fixed Charges Restricted Funds Feb. 9 - Work Session II Instruction (plus Health Services/Athletics, Special Ed./Psych. Services) Mid-Level Administration Feb. 16 - Work Session III Pupil Personnel (except Student Accounting) Health Services (except Health Services/Athletics) Special Education (except Psychological Services) Feb. 18 - Work Session IV Unresolved issues and tentative budget decisions

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