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Presentation on theme: "CARIBBEAN MARITIME INSTITUTE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING & LOGISTICS General Ship Knowledge ML 301.1(3.0) 11/23/2015 Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARIBBEAN MARITIME INSTITUTE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING & LOGISTICS General Ship Knowledge ML 301.1(3.0) 11/23/2015 Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 1

2 Units & Tonnage The Lessons in Unit 2 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 2  Measurements and Systems of Units  Tonnages and Volumes of Cargo Holds

3 Metric system 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 3 The metric system of measurement is an internationally- agreed system used by most countries in the world. Metric units used in the shipping industry are identical to those used for other purposes.

4 Units 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 4  Mega-1 000 000  [million times] (symbol M)  Kilo-1000  [thousand times] (symbol k)  Deci-0.1  [tenth of] (symbol d)  Centi-0.01  [hundreth of] (symbol c)  Milli-0.001  [thousandth of] (symbol m).

5 Mass 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 5  Kilogram: The basic unit of mass in the metric system is a kilogram (kg). A kilogram weighs about the same as a litre of water, or just over two pounds in the old imperial system.  Tonne:A tonne, also called a metric ton, ( t) is 1000 kg.  One tonne weighs the same as a cubic metre of freshwater

6 Area & Volume 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 6 Square metre:The basic unit of area in the metric system is the square metre (m²). A square metre is simply the area of a square measuring one metre by one metre. Cubic metre: The basic unit of volume in the metric system is the cubic metre (m³). This is the volume of a cube, one metre high, by one metre deep, by one metre wide.

7 Other Units 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 7  Nautical mile (nm): is a measure of distance at sea equal to 1,852 metres.  Knot (kn): is a speed of one nautical mile per hour.  Fathom: is an imperial measurement of water depth equal to 6 feet.  Barrel (oil) is 42 US gallons, or roughly 160 litres (0.159 m3).

8 Lesson 2:Tonnages and Volumes of Cargo Holds 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 8 Light displacement is the weight of the ship when completely empty, that is, without cargo, fuel, water, ballast, stores, etc. Displacement without qualification means the total weight of the ship including whatever cargo, fuel, water, ballast, stores, etc. is onboard at the moment.

9 Tonnages and Volumes of Cargo Holds 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 9  Loaded displacement is the total weight of the ship when laden to its maximum summer draft.  Deadweight (dwt.) is the weight of the cargo, fuel, water, ballast, stores, etc.  Deadweight = (Loaded Displ. - Light Displ.)

10 Units and Tonnages 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 10  Register ton: The register ton is a historically agreed average figure for the total amount of enclosed space, including non-cargo space, a vessel must have to carry a tonne of merchandise. Its agreed value is 100 cubic feet.  Individual vessels may actually require more or less than 100 cubic feet per ton depending on their design, but the register ton is used regardless as a standard means of comparing the sizes of different vessels for administrative purposes.

11 Units and Tonnages 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 11 Measurement ton A measurement ton is a unit of volume defined in the cargo carrying tariff. The two common measures of a measurement ton are one cubic metre, and 40 cubic feet.

12 Units and Tonnages 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 12  Displacement ton: Displacement ton is a measure of the volume of water the vessel must actually displace to support one tonne. It is in effect a measure of the density of the water in which the vessel is floating.

13 Units and Tonnages 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 13  Underdeck Tonnage: Underdeck tonnage is the volume of the ship below the tonnage deck, not including the double bottom space. The units of measurement are register tons of 100 cubic feet.

14 Units and Tonnages 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 14  Gross TonnageGross Tonnage (GT) is the total volume of the enclosed space on the ship. It is the underdeck tonnage plus certain enclosed spaces in the hull above the tonnage deck. The units of measurement are register tons of 100 cubic feet.

15 Units and Tonnages 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 15 Net Tonnage: Net tonnage(NT) is the volume available for cargo. It is the GRT less the non-earning space used for crew accommodation, stores, certain water ballast spaces, propelling machinery space, etc. The units of measurement are register tons of 100 cubic feet.

16 Tonnages 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 16  GT is the total enclosed space of a ship expressed in register tons of 100 cubic feet (2.832 cubic metres) each. GT is a measure of the space available for cargo, crew, passengers, and stores, and is usually the basis for computing drydock charges. It is also called gross tonnage.  Under deck tonnage is GT less a ship's bridge, deckhouse, forecastle, and poop deck.  NT is GT less space occupied by the crew, machinery, fuel and navigation equipment. In general, GT and NT are in the ratio of 3:2. It is also called net tonnage, and is the usual basis for computing harbour or port charges.

17 Panama Canal Tonnage 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 17

18 Gatun Locks – Panama Canal 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 18

19 Cargo Hold Capacities 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 19  Grain capacity is the volume of a cargo compartment measured right out to the ship’s sides. Grain capacity is the volume available for a bulk cargo.  Bale capacity is the volume of a cargo compartment measured to the inside of a spar ceiling (also called the sweat boards because they allow air to circulate and reduce condensation). It is the volume available for bales or similar cargo.

20 Hatchcovers & Propeller 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 20

21 Ship Directions 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 21

22 Inside a ship’s hold 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 22

23 Aground or just listing? 11/23/2015Capt. Devron S. Newman - GSK 23

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