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THE ART OF CLOSING THE DEAL. WHY IS CLOSING DIFFICULT? We may get told “no” and there is a tendency to dislike that Prospective customers are hesitant.

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Presentation on theme: "THE ART OF CLOSING THE DEAL. WHY IS CLOSING DIFFICULT? We may get told “no” and there is a tendency to dislike that Prospective customers are hesitant."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHY IS CLOSING DIFFICULT? We may get told “no” and there is a tendency to dislike that Prospective customers are hesitant and hate making decisions

3 TRIAL CLOSING To secure agreement to something you just stated Typically closed questions Pay attention to closing signals- clues from the prospect that she is ready to be asked Verbal: specific remarks that are positive Non-verbal: touching items, smiling, nodding head When you receive closing signals, stop talking and ASK!


5 ALTERNATE CHOICE CLOSE Offers the prospect a choice about something related to the appointment or enrollment, but not the actual decision Choice between 2 minor points Would you like to visit our program on Monday morning or would Wednesday afternoon be better? Would you like Andrew to join our preschool program the week of June 8 th or would the week of the 15 th be more convenient?

6 DIRECT CLOSE A direct question to secure the visit appointment or the enrollment Works best for those that are visibly ready to make a decision or those with strong, direct personalities Would you like to come at 10:00 today to visit our program? Would you like to enroll Julie today?

7 ASSUMPTIVE CLOSE Encourages prospect to make a selection, doesn’t directly offer a specific choice Assumes child is visiting/enrolling When you visit our preschool program you will see firsthand the educational activities we offer, I’d like to show you our school on Wednesday afternoon, how will that work? Which of our tuition plans would you like?

8 CONTINGENCY CLOSE This type of close asks the prospect if you can lay the groundwork for her decision, but does not actually ask for the decision right at the moment Works well if you sense hesitation with the prospect Based on what we’ve discussed, it seems as though you need more time to think about scheduling a visit. How about if I send some information to you regarding our preschool program and then I will call you on Friday to discuss any questions you have and we will schedule a visit at that time. How does that sound? Based on everything we have talked about so far, you still seem tentative. I’ll provide you with the information to take home and will call you tomorrow to see about your decision in regards to having Annie join our toddler program. How would that be?

9 IMPLEMENTATION CLOSE Usually outlines the steps needed for prospect to enroll in your center This type of close really is intended for prospects that are in your school vs. on the phone We’d love to have Jenny join Ms. Monica’s class next week. First, we’ll need to make sure all paperwork is completed for Jenny. Secondly, we’ll need to arrange for the registration fee to secure her spot. Thirdly, I’ll provide you with a list of all the items Jenny will need to bring. When would you like to begin this process?

10 IMPENDING DOOM CLOSE Indicates there is limited availability Works well with those who need a little “push” to make the decision Since we have had several calls regarding our infant program, I’d suggest you schedule a tentative visit and then I’ll call you tomorrow to confirm the timing. How does that sound? We only have 2 openings in our toddler classroom. Would you like to pay the registration fee to ensure that one of those spots is Ben’s?

11 Analyzer fact and detail oriented speaks in outlines check-list buyer concrete thinkers decisions are made methodically Implementation Close Controller ego buyers operate with “What’s in it for Me” mentality maintaining control is very important make decisions quickly Alternate Choice Close Direct Close PERSONALITY STYLE SELLING TECHNIQUES

12 Peacemaker calm, easy going, amicable trust is very important committee buyers make decisions slowly and involve others hate risk- don’t push or pressure Contingency Close Promoter good relationships are important expressive and love recognition emotional buyers excitable- don’t want to miss anything Assumptive Close Impending Doom Close PERSONALITY STYLE SELLING TECHNIQUES, CONT.


14 *For each set of statements, pick the answer from either column A or column B that most accurately describes you. *Count the number of B responses for each dimension.

15 *For Dimension 1, plot the number of B responses on the horizontal scale. *For Dimension 2, plot the number of B responses on the vertical scale.



18 PERSONALITY STYLE SELLING AnalyzerController Implementation Alternate Choice Direct PeacemakerPromoter ContingencyAssumptive Impending Doom


20 OBJECTIONS An objection is a reason voiced by the prospect as to why she cannot act on your recommendation….not to be confused with an obstruction (which is an external event preventing or disrupting a decision) One of the most challenging obstacles Need to view objections as an opportunity to start selling your school Remember it often takes eight no’s before getting one yes

21 REASONS PROSPECTS OBJECT Don’t have enough information to make a decision Misunderstanding information regarding our services or not realizing its value Our child care services are not appropriate for the prospect’s family The prospect is not our customer The prospect wants to be convinced they are making the right decision

22 THE TRIPLE A FORMULA FOR HANDLING OBJECTIONS Acknowledge objection with empathy Address objection with benefits Attempt to secure a commitment

23 COMMON OBJECTIONS What are some objections that you have heard repeatedly? Price Need to check with husband Just looking right now

24 PRICE Objection—“It just seems too expensive for my family’s budget.” *I can certainly appreciate that the cost of quality child care can be a major e f*I can certainly appreciate that the cost of quality child care can be a major expenditure for any family. At Phoenix Children’s Academy we are confident that you and Simone will be rewarded with an exemplary child care experience, one of high quality and professional education in a warm and inviting atmosphere. I will send information regarding our tuition as well as our part-time schedule availability home with you and that way you can take a look at all our options and I’m confident that one of those options will meet your family’s needs. Does that sound like it would be beneficial for you? I will then follow up with you to see if I can answer any further questions, would Friday afternoon or Monday morning work better for you? that you and Simone will be rewarded with an exemplary child care experience, one of high quality and professional education in a warm and inviting atmosphere. I will send information regarding our tuition as well as our part-time schedule availability home with you and that way you can take a look at all our options and I’m confident that one of those options will meet your family’s needs. Does that sound like it would be beneficial for you?

25 NEED TO TALK TO MY HUSBAND Objection—“I really don’t want to make a commitment until I have talked to my husband.” *I can certainly understand that involving your husband is very important. At P*I can certainly understand that involving your husband is very important. At Phoenix Children’s Academy we want your whole family to feel comfortable with the educational environment that Simone is involved in so that she can flourish in our preschool classroom and you can interact and network with other parents at our regularly scheduled family events. Let me give you some additional information to take with you and share with your husband. I’ll wait a few days for you to look it over and then I’ll give you a call to discuss any further questions you have and to schedule a time for you and your husband to visit our program together. I usually make my follow up calls on Wednesday morning or Thursday afternoon, which of those days would work better for you? hoenix Children’s Academy we want your whole family to feel comfortable with the educational environment that Simone sheourish additional information to take with you and share with your husband. I’ll wait a few days for you to look it over and then I’ll give you a call to discuss any further questions you have and to schedule a time for you and your husband to visit our program together. I usually make my follow up calls on Wednesday morning or Thursday afternoon, which of those days would work better for you?

26 JUST LOOKING RIGHT NOW Objection: “I’m really not ready to make a decision yet as I am just looking at various child care options right now.” *I appreciate the fact that you want to thoroughly research all of your child care options for Simone. Making the right choice for your daughter is vitally important. As Simone interacted with our preschool group this morning, she was actively engaged with Monica, our lead preschool teacher that has been with our school for 15 years. She will be able to expose Simone to many educational opportunities as well as introducing her to peers that will enhance group interaction and prepare her for kindergarten. I’d like to send a Making the Right Choice for Children checklist with you that would aid you in your search as you visit other programs. This would allow you to compare quality indicators at several programs and assist you with deciding which environment would best suit Simone as well as your family. Would this be helpful to you? I will follow up with you after your visits to other programs to answer any further questions that may come up. I’d like to call you the week of July 6 th, would Tuesday or Thursday that week work better for me to follow up? eciate the fact that you want to thoroughly research all of your child care options for Simone. Making the right choice for your daughter is vitally important. As Simone interacted with our preschool group this morning, she was actively engaged with Monica, our lead preschool teacher that haestiomay come up. I’d like to call you the week of July 6 th, would Tuesday or Thursday that week work better for me to follow up?

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