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Starter 10/9 Test Corrections My AnswerWhat I was thinking Correct Answer Evidence that it is correct.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter 10/9 Test Corrections My AnswerWhat I was thinking Correct Answer Evidence that it is correct."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter 10/9 Test Corrections My AnswerWhat I was thinking Correct Answer Evidence that it is correct

2 Today Review Goal 5 Test Review Vocabulary Paper Doll Project Progressive activity

3 Test Review

4 Vocabulary on Test Handout It is online too!

5 Paper Doll Two hamburgers and a hotdog Due Monday!

6 1.Ida Tarbell 2.Booker T. Washington 3.William H. Taft 4.George Eastman 5.muckrakers 6.Henry Ford 7.WEB Du Bois 8.Carrie Nation 9.Robert La Follette 10.Mark Twain 11.John D Rockerfeller 12.Woodrow Wilson 13.Homer Plessy 14.Ida B. Wells 15.Florence Kelley 16.The Wright Brothers 17.Theodore Roosevelt 18.Fredrick Law Olmstead 19.Upton Sinclair 20.Susan B. Anthony

7 Goal 1 Vocabulary Constitution Bill of Rights Federal Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch Union States’ Rights Nullification Neutrality Pickney’s Treaty Jay’s Treaty XYZ Affair Louisiana Purchase Lewis & Clark Nationalism Sectionalism Reform Neutrality Laissez Faire Tariff Secede Suffrage Sacajawea Blockade Impressment Treaty of Ghent Industrial Revolution Nationalism

8 Goal 2 Vocabulary Nationalism Adams-Onis Treaty Missouri Compromise Indian Removal Act Worcester v. Georgia Trail of Tears Manifest Destiny Assimilate Santa Fe Trail Oregon Trail Mormons Joseph Smith Brigham Young Annex Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Gadsden Purchase forty-niners Gold rush

9 Goal 3 Vocabulary 1.Thirteenth Amendment (Chapter 11) 2.Andrew Johnson 3.Reconstruction 4.Radical Republicans 5.Freedman’s Bureau 6.Black codes 7.Fourteenth Amendment 8.Fifteenth Amendment 9.Scalawags 10.Carpetbaggers 11.Hiram Revels 12.Sharecropping 13.Tenant Farming 14.Ku Klux Klan 15.Redemption 16.Rutherford B. Hayes 17.Compromise of 1877

10 Vocabulary (Goal 4) 1.Great Plains 2.Treaty of Fort Laramie 3.Sitting Bull 4.George A. Custer 5.Assimilation 6.Dawes Act 7.Battle of Wounded Knee 8.Longhorn 9.Chisholm Trail 10.Long Drive 11.Homestead Act 12.Exoduster 13.Soddy 14.Morrill Act 15.Bonanza farms 16.Grange 17.Populism 18.Bimetallism 19.William McKinley 20.William Jennings Bryan

11 Goal 5 Vocabulary 1.Munn v. Illinois 2.Interstate Commerce Act 3.Andrew Carnegie 4.Vertical integration 5.Horizontal integration 6.Social Darwinism 7.John D. Rockefeller 8.“Robber Barons” 9.Sherman Antitrust Act 10.Industrial Workers of the World 11.Mary Harris Jones 12.Ellis Island 13.Angel Island 14.Melting pot 15.Nativism 16.Chinese Exclusion Act 17.Urbanization 18.Americanization movement 19.Tenements 20.Mass transit 21.Settlement houses 22.Jane Addams 23.Political machine 24.Boss Tweed

12 More Goal 7 Vocabulary 1.Fredrick Law Olmstead 2.Orville & Wilbur Wright 3.George Eastman 4.Booker T. Washington 5.W.E.B. Du Bois 6.Ida B. Wells 7.Poll tax 8.Grandfather Clause 9.Segregation 10.Jim Crow laws 11.Plessy v. Ferguson 12.Joseph Pulitzer 13.William Randolph Hearst 14.Mark Twain 15.Rural free delivery 16.Prohibition 17.Initiative 18.Referendum 19.Recall 20.17 th Amendment 21.Susan B. Anthony 22.Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle 23.Square Deal 24.Conservation 25.NAACP 26.Bull Moose Party 27.Clayton Anti-trust Act 28.Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

13 Goal 7.01 Explain the conditions that led to the rise of Progressivism. (416-424) 7.02 Analyze how different groups of Americans made economic and political gains in the Progressive Period.(425-430)

14 Higher Order Questioning Activity Use our test taking strategy notes and the NC SCOS In groups you will create multiple choice questions that align with NCSCOS and utilize higher order thinking skills Each person should create 1 question Be prepared to guide the class on the overhead

15 Groups Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 7.01 Explain the conditions that led to the rise of Progressivism. (416-424) Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 7.02 Analyze how different groups of Americans made economic and political gains in the Progressive Period.(425-430)

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