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NATIVE AMERICANS. CONFLICTS Since the 17 th century, Native Americans had been continually disposed of their lands by European/American expansion Notable.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIVE AMERICANS. CONFLICTS Since the 17 th century, Native Americans had been continually disposed of their lands by European/American expansion Notable."— Presentation transcript:


2 CONFLICTS Since the 17 th century, Native Americans had been continually disposed of their lands by European/American expansion Notable Conflicts between Native Americans and American settlers: Powhatan Wars – 1620’s –40’s King Philips War – 1675-76 Pontiac War – 1763-66 Defeat of Tecumseh at the Battle of Tippecanoe 1811

3 INDIAN REMOVAL ACT Indian Removal Act – 1830 President Andrew Jackson wants to push Indian nations west of Mississippi Forcible removal of Cherokee – Trail of Tears (1/4 parish along the way) Begins pattern of moving Indian peoples onto reservations and forced assimilation (Dawes Act)


5 “CUSTER’S LAST STAND” Native Americans resisted forced movement 1864 Sand Creek Massacre: US forces slaughtered Cheyenne women and children 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn: Sioux Indians rise up & defeat Custer Last great victory of Native Americans

6 WOUNDED KNEE 1890 Last notable conflict US army thought Chief Sitting Bull was starting an uprising & tried to arrest him Pursued Sioux to Wounded Knee Creek and soldiers kill over 150 unarmed Native Americans


8 DAWES ACT Focus on assimilation Assimilation: absorb a group into the culture of a large population Intended to help the Native Americans Split reservations into individual parcels Assimilation: being absorbed into the larger, more dominant culture

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