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European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical research A New Era has begun for COST.

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Presentation on theme: "European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical research A New Era has begun for COST."— Presentation transcript:

1 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical research A New Era has begun for COST

2 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 2 January 2006 COST mission Strengthen Europe in scientific and technical research for peaceful purposes through the support of cooperation and interaction between European researchers

3 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 3 January 2006 COST characteristics Co-ordination through networkingCo-ordination through networking Pan-EuropeanPan-European “Non-competitive” (pre-normative; public utility)“Non-competitive” (pre-normative; public utility) National financing of researchers and projects – national responsibilityNational financing of researchers and projects – national responsibility Bottom-up and flexible “a la carte” participationBottom-up and flexible “a la carte” participation Multi-disciplinary: wide range of disciplinesMulti-disciplinary: wide range of disciplines “Interdisciplinary Exploratoria”“Interdisciplinary Exploratoria” Enabling agent: focus on younger researchersEnabling agent: focus on younger researchers Open to wider cooperationOpen to wider cooperation

4 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 4 January 2006 COST Member States  The 25 EU Member States  EFTA Member States  Iceland  Norway  Switzerland  Candidate Countries  Bulgaria  Romania  Turkey  Other Countries  Serbia and Montenegro *  Croatia *  FYR of Macedonia (FYROM) *  COST Co-operating States  Israel * not associated to FP COST Countries

5 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 5 January 2006 What is a COST Action? MC = Management Committee COST OFFICE COMMITTEE OF SENIOR OFFICIALS (CSO) COST National Coordinators COST Domain Committees (9 June 2006) COST Actions (~200) TUD …… ….. …….. WORKING GROUPS (NETWORKS) …… ~30.000 researchers Scientific Domain ……. Council COST Secretariat Action WGs MC

6 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 6 January 2006 COST Actions – what is supported? Science management meetings (MC and WG)Science management meetings (MC and WG) Scientific workshops and seminarsScientific workshops and seminars Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) Training Schools and Research ConferencesTraining Schools and Research Conferences Evaluations and StudiesEvaluations and Studies DisseminationDissemination Nationally funded projects (min. 5 signatories) with a joint work programme are supported in:

7 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 7 January 2006 COST Actions – Running Actions 1980-2005 (Running any time of the year - status 30/11/2005)

8 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 8 January 2006 CSO Timetable 2005/2006 163 rd meeting [Nov 2005] – decisions (among others) on new COST Structure, Open Call, Budget 2006 (incl.. Support for ex-SU, BH, AL & Mediterranean), Voting Procedures [3/4 majority], Dissemination Policy 164 th meeting [29-30 March] – proposals C24 (Exergy), C25 (Sustainable Constructions), C26 (Catastrophic Events) < “old procedure”; UCE quota = 3 April-May: Open Call June: Open Call assessment by new DCs 165 th meeting [27-28 June] – 2 TUD proposals (“old procedure”); approval of DC Rules of Procedure and Mandates 166 th meeting [14-15 Nov] – proposals according to “Open Call” procedure

9 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 9 January 2006 COST Scientific and Technical Domains 1.Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences 2.Food and Agriculture 3.Forests, their Products and Services 4.Materials, Physical & Nanosciences 5.Chemistry and Molecular Sciences & Technologies 6.Earth System Science & Environmental Management 7.Information & Communication Technologies 8.Transport & Urban Development [Constituting Meeting 17 May] 9.Individuals, Society, Culture & Health The CSO has decided to restructure the scientific and technical Domains in COST in November 2005. Presently the nomination procedure for the Domain committee members is under way. This new committee structure will be in place 1 June 2006.

10 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 10 January 2006 COST published an “Open Call” on 01.04.2006COST published an “Open Call” on 01.04.2006 selection criteria published in a transparent wayselection criteria published in a transparent way emphasis will be on young researchers to foster their joint efforts to become better known and recognisedemphasis will be on young researchers to foster their joint efforts to become better known and recognised specific collection dates (first: end May 2006)specific collection dates (first: end May 2006) 2 stage process / peer reviewed2 stage process / peer reviewed first Actions following the “Open Call” to start early 2007first Actions following the “Open Call” to start early 2007 Next steps ”Open Call“:

11 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 11 January 2006 COST Open Call Timetable 1 April – announcement, 1 st phase [on-line abstracts] 31 May – collection date [“deadline” 22:00 CEST] > 820/720 proposals, 49 in TUD June – allocation to Domains, evaluation by new DCs - notification on selected (75=10 %)/rejected proposals July > 15 September – preparation of full text - nomination of External Experts’ Panel September – independent review, external consultation October – selection & decision by DCs 14-15 November – final approval by CSO > ca 30 new Actions Early 2007 – expected kick-off (FP7)

12 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 12 January 2006 Exclusively for young scientists at postdoc level, (PhD + max. 5 years); min. 8 young scientists with international experience from 5 COST member states, holding their first positionExclusively for young scientists at postdoc level, (PhD + max. 5 years); min. 8 young scientists with international experience from 5 COST member states, holding their first position Work plan organisation: normally 4 targeted Working GroupsWork plan organisation: normally 4 targeted Working Groups Eligible activities: meetings, Short Term Scientific Missions, seminars, conferences, outreach activities, plus: [centrally organised & funded] special “YIN Conferences” and research management trainingEligible activities: meetings, Short Term Scientific Missions, seminars, conferences, outreach activities, plus: [centrally organised & funded] special “YIN Conferences” and research management training Support: 90 k € p.a. (2006 prices) as annual grant for up to 4 yearsSupport: 90 k € p.a. (2006 prices) as annual grant for up to 4 years Pilot case: C20 (Urban Knowledge Arena) New instrument proposed “Young Investigators Networks” (YIN):

13 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 13 January 2006 Further news & changes Grant funding system > compulsory from 2007 (contract ESF – grant holder/financial administrator (usually chair’s org) > 75+25 %) COST Day at the EP New Actions: –March: C24 Exergy [??], C25 Sustainable Constructions {after summer], C26 Constructions under Catastrophic Events [28 June] –June: C27 Sustainable Strategies for Rural Deprived Areas, 358 Pedestrians’ Quality Needs –Other pending [= recommended by TC but above quota] to be proceeded again –TUD involvement in “Cultural Heritage” (C17, C20) From 15 May > new Science Officer: Marcus Zisenis

14 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 14 January 2006 Contact: Dr.-Ing. Martin Grabert Director COST Office Av. Louise 149 B 1050 Brussels – –

15 European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 15 January 2006 Thank you for your attention

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