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Bellringer What are the three types of carbohydrates?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer What are the three types of carbohydrates?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer What are the three types of carbohydrates?

2 SUGAR SAVVY! We are eating too much sugar!!

3 Types of Sugars Naturally occurring Added sugars

4 How much added sweeteners do you think the average American consumes in a year? About 100 pounds: which is about a quarter pound of sugar a day!

5 How much is a ¼ Pound of Sugar? ¼ lb. = 28 teaspoons Its no wonder 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight

6 I know you all are thinking: Is it really possible to eat this much sugar? Where is it coming from? Lets start with what we drink: READ THE LABEL of the 20 oz. coke…

7 Do the math 4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon If you divide 65 grams by 4, you get about 16.25 tsp

8 Would you put this much sugar in your coffee or tea? Adding JUST ONE 20-oz cola a day to your normal diet for a year could result in gaining an extra 25 pounds!

9 How long do you think it would take to burn off the 240 calories from just that one 20-oz cola? You would have to walk briskly for about an hour! RE-THINK YOUR DRINK!

10 How Much Added sugar is enough?? Women: 6 tsp (100 calories)/day Men: 9 tsp (150 calories)/day

11 Sugar Has Many Disguises Here is a list of some of the possible code words for “sugar” which may appear on a label. Hint: the words “syrup”, “sweetener”, and anything ending in “ose” can usually be assumed to be “sugar”. If the label says “no added sugars”, it should not contain any of the following.

12 It’s all sugar! Agave Nectar Barley Malt Syrup Beet Sugar Brown Rice Syrup Brown Sugar Cane Crystals (or, even better, "cane juice crystals") Cane Sugar Coconut Sugar, or Coconut Palm Sugar Corn sweetener Corn syrup, or corn syrup solids Dehydrated Cane Juice Dextrin Dextrose Evaporated Cane Juice Fructose Fruit juice concentrate Glucose High-fructose corn syrup Honey  Invert sugar  Lactose  Maltodextrin  Malt syrup  Maltose  Maple syrup  Molasses  Palm Sugar  Raw sugar  Rice Syrup  Saccharose  Sorghum or sorghum syrup  Sucrose  Syrup  Treacle  Turbinado Sugar  Xylose

13 A Word About Sugar Alcohols: A lot of "Sugar Free" foods have ingredients called sugar alcohols in them such as maltitol and sorbitol. These ingredients can have side effects.

14 So you say you are safe and don’t drink sodas? Soda is not the only place we find an abundance of sugar. Processed and packaged foods Matching Game!

15 Remember a typical American consumes ¼ pound a day? Lets work out how easy it is to get to that amount: Breakfast: Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll Lunch: Cola,_____________________ Snack:___________________________ Dinner: Dessert: Remember: ¼ pound = 28 teaspoons!

16 Sugar Busters: Extra Credit Write down the what you ate/drank yesterday or today. Use internet/books to find grams of sugar. Total to see how much you consumed (in grams or teaspoons). Turn in to me by tomorrow!

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