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Leveraging: What’s New ? Been There / Done That ? Heard this All Before? Meg Power, PhD Economic Opportunity Studies Washington, DC NASCSP Fall Meeting,

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Presentation on theme: "Leveraging: What’s New ? Been There / Done That ? Heard this All Before? Meg Power, PhD Economic Opportunity Studies Washington, DC NASCSP Fall Meeting,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leveraging: What’s New ? Been There / Done That ? Heard this All Before? Meg Power, PhD Economic Opportunity Studies Washington, DC NASCSP Fall Meeting, Buckshead, GA September 12, 2012

2 No Longer A Secret: Lotsa Leveraging Loads the Land  2011: 46 states leveraged $805 M  42 over $1 million leveraged  32 over $5 million  2012 est. 48 states-$690 M  45 over $1 Mil.  28 over 5 mil. Old Hat?

3 Understanding WAP Leveraged $$  THANK YOU NASCSP FUNDING SURVEY!!  NOW SHARING: Draft Results of EOS Leveraged Partnerships Project Deeper Dive : 2011 All Funds and est. 2012 & beyond  Why? Your Opportunities in Context

4 Leveraged $: (3 Types) 2011 & 2012

5 Change Since 2008  WAP Utility Leveraging All Ratepayer-Funded EE  Growth Since 2008 (ACEEE)

6 WAP Goals for Ratepayer Resources  Expand/Est. WAP-coordinated Programs  Capture a greater share of Low-Income $$ to coordinate with WAP  What you, the state, offer.  Change the current structure for a low- WAP world  Piggybacked = a match program in disguise  Whole house, fuel-blind models

7 Ideal Rate-Payer Low-Income Program Features  Whole House  Fuel Blind  Non-energy Benefits Count  Includes Repairs and Health-Safety  Consumer Ed. Covered  Pays Admin Costs

8 WAP is LIHEAP - Dependent  +10% of all U.S. LIHEAP Goes to WAP  Range: :.25 to.003 –even During ARRA!  System lost $110 Million in 2012 v. 2011  Which Type Is Your Program?  Dominant LIHEAP  Balanced Mix  WAP Only? (UH-OH!)

9 Strategy 1: Transfer MORE LIHEAP!  What’s the case in tough times?  Is it an inter-state-agency funding struggle?  You’ll need a legislature  You’ll need arm’s length lobbying – and CAAs have balance perspective, credibility  Got LIHEAP Influence ? Can it be smarter? i.e. More bill reduction with less LIHEAP?  Arrears management?  Discount fuels? Waive fixed charges? etc

10 WHAT IS LIHEAP-Funded WAP?  Whole House WAP?  Health Safety increment?  Innovation ? Ideal for 2013 = ? SIR v. Savings+ ? More WAP emphasis on affordability ?

11 Braiding: Will It Grow WAP’s Reach? Market?  Where is WAP’s/your agency “home”?  Housing/CED? Revisit efficiency in the state’s portfolio ? Note: EOS’ SHFA Inquiry  Energy? Imagine & Offer new roles as or with 3 rd Party Administrator?  DHHS? A workforce for maintaining Independent Living units? Shelters?

12 Is Your Access > Local Agencies’ ?  Make that arena your to-do with  Smart State-Local Collaborations  Clear Roles &  Single Purpose  reached via Every Networks’ Links  Several implementation systems/rules

13 Weatherization Leveraging Partnerships Project Why Do We Call it “Leverage”? WAP is an Asset! This is Your Program Delivering Value WAP This is the value you add

14 EOS & See Our Online Toolboxes, Try our Customized Assistance Visit our Exhibit Disclaimer: “This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.”

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