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МБОУ Муравьихинская СОШ Презентация по английскому языку.

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1 МБОУ Муравьихинская СОШ Презентация по английскому языку.
Северная Ирландия Northern Ireland Выполнили: Биткина Т. Логинова А. (8 класс) Учитель: Несговорова И.Б. с. Муравьиха 2013 год

2 Geographical Position
Northern Ireland is the smallest component of the United Kingdom. It occupies northeast of Ireland, only one-sixth of its territory. Northern Ireland contains six of the nine countries of the historic province of Ulster and that is why the name “Ulster” is sometimes used, as equivalent to Northern Ireland. Its capital city is Belfast.

3 The Economy of Northern Ireland
The whole economy of Northern Ireland is closely integrated with that of Great Britain. It has its roots in three basic industries-agriculture, textiles and shipbuilding. The largest industry is agriculture conducted for the most part on small family farms. It occupies about 72 per cent of the land area.

4 Population The population of Northern Ireland is about 1.5 million people. 53 per cent of the total population live in urban areas.

5 Political Life Northern Ireland is simbolicaly headed by the British monarch, but it is governed by an elected parliament. The makeup of the parliament is intended to include 52 delegates in Northern Ireland House of Commons who serves 5 year term.

6 The Capital Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland is the leading industrial centre and a large port. Its chief industries are the production of linen and other textiles, clothing, shipbuilding, engineering.

7 Other Cities There are many cities in Northern Ireland. They are Limerick, Ardorah, Shennon and Killarny. Limerick is a big city and a port of the west of Ireland.Ardorah is a town in province of Ulster. It is a place of festivals.

8 The Climate The weather in Northern Ireland is tradizhionally cheangable. The temperature stays usually above freezing, so there is seldom snow or ice, but at many times of the year it is advisable to be prepared for rain.

9 The Irish English is spoken as the first language by almost 100 per sent of the Irish population.

10 Holidays Clover - the national symbol of Ireland.
St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and every year on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. It seems the whole world means to be Irish.

11 The Sighs of Northern Ireland
There are many picturesque places in Northern Ireland.

12 Rivers There are so many rives lakes so much coastline in Northern Ireland. They are short, but deep. The largest river is the Shannon. The River Lagan is a major river in Northern Ireland which runs 40 miles (60 km)

13 Sports It’s no surprise that many of its best- known sporting activities are water- based. Golf is also a popular sport.

14 Culture Northern Ireland is famous for its culture. It has two national museums, the Ulster Symphony Orchestra is among the leading. Many famous writers were born here: Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw. The most well- known dance is popular not only in Ireland but all over the world.

15 Dance

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