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Operating System Support for Database Management Andrew Gladstone CSC 8410 3/26/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Operating System Support for Database Management Andrew Gladstone CSC 8410 3/26/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operating System Support for Database Management Andrew Gladstone CSC 8410 3/26/2007

2 Background Based on 1981 Stonebraker paper Examine OS services as applicable to database use UNIX used as example OS INGRES used as example DBMS

3 OS Services Buffer Pool Management File System Scheduling / Process Management Consistency

4 Buffer Management UNIX provisions:  Fixed-size buffer pool  Size set upon compilation  I/O handled through main-memory cache  LRU replacement strategy for misses  Block-prefetch for sequential access

5 Deficiencies Fetch performance Suboptimal replacement strategy  Access Types: Sequential access one time Sequential access cyclically re-referenced Random access one time Random access possible rereference Inefficient prefetch

6 Solutions? DBMS managed buffer pool Composite replacement strategy  Database access in INGRES: Sequential access (no re-reference) : toss immediately Sequential access (cyclical re-reference): MRU Random access (no re-reference): toss immediately Random access (potential re-reference): LRU Prefetch?

7 Crash Recovery Implemented by the DBMS “Intentions List” and “Commit Flag” Requires OS to perform “selected force out” Critical to ensure accurate post-crash writes / rollbacks

8 Summary (not displayed) As of the writing, no OS exists with a buffer manager that has the required features to provide efficient service for a DBMS. Most DBMS employ a strategy of maintaining a separate cache in the user-space, managed by the DBMS specific algorithm. So the OS service is wasted when the DBMS is running. Also mention that DBMS

9 File System Character Arrays Designed for sequential access  DBMS data generally not sequential No record management service Two OS trees + one DBMS tree  Why not one tree?

10 Scheduling / Process Mgmt. Two methods proposed  Process / user, shared code / data Single process server  Requires DBMS scheduling service

11 Scheduling Challenges Separate Processes  Memory requirements  Task switching  Relies on OS message-passing system Server Model  DBMS must manage scheduling and m/t  “Mini OS” running in user-space “Favored-user” class???

12 Consistency Control OS lock / protection on file - not record level Update order not guaranteed Buffer management / crash-recovery / locking managed by one system

13 Summary OS provided services too slow or inappropriate Most services provided by DBMS Double-effort results in considerable overhead


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