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BY BEN AND MEGAN What did they eat? The Tudors are famous for their rich food, over eating and for their three hour meals, although it was only the rich.

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Presentation on theme: "BY BEN AND MEGAN What did they eat? The Tudors are famous for their rich food, over eating and for their three hour meals, although it was only the rich."— Presentation transcript:



3 What did they eat? The Tudors are famous for their rich food, over eating and for their three hour meals, although it was only the rich nobility that could afford such luxury. Their food was often highly spiced and seasoned, both to show wealth, and to disguise the fact that the meat was often of very poor quality. Most people ate a great deal of meat, which was preserved by salting, smoking or drying. It was quite an unhealthy diet especially for the rich people as vegetables were not popular, the rich people thought that vegetables were suitable only for the poor people to eat. A lot of salt was used in preserving the huge amount of meat that they ate. A lack of vitamin A, found in green vegetables. milk, butter and eggs, often led to problems in later life. Rich people despised these foods because the lower classes ate them

4 What were clothe like? Rich men wore a linen shirt and a tight- fitting jacket called a doublet. Over there was another jacket which came out over the hips. They wore stockings and padded breeches instead of trousers. Most wore a velvet or fur hat. Rich men wore a linen shirt and a tight-fitting jacket called a doublet. Over there was another jacket which came out over the hips. They wore stockings and padded breeches instead of trousers. Most wore a velvet or fur hat.

5 What were houses like? As in modern architecture Tudor Houses were built according to the wealth of the owners. There were Tudor houses for the rich which were the palaces and mansions and Tudor houses for the middle classes and the poor. The most distinctive style of the majority of Tudor houses were built in the black and white half-timbered style of Tudor architecture

6 What was the environment like? Poor houses roofs where made from store the town had a lots of poo and rubbish because everyone chuck it out window and it stank a big church the castle was always at the edge all the rubbish and poo goes into the river and then they drank out of the river

7 Thank you for watching

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