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UCN Facility at TRIUMF L.Lee October 3, 2012 PLACE UCN LOGO & ACRONYM HERE.

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Presentation on theme: "UCN Facility at TRIUMF L.Lee October 3, 2012 PLACE UCN LOGO & ACRONYM HERE."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCN Facility at TRIUMF L.Lee October 3, 2012 PLACE UCN LOGO & ACRONYM HERE

2 Horizontal Source/Bottle UCN Source (RCNP-TRIUMF) This source is being developed in Japan and will be commissioned & tested at RCNP, followed by initial n-EDM measurements there until 2014 A beam line is being prepared for it at TRIUMF, for extended running periods at ~40x higher intensity (goal is to reach ~ 6000 UCN/cc at EDM cell)

3 p n UCN valve opens phonon Horizontal Source/Bottle Experiment Spallation Superthermal UCN Source 2012-2014: Develop/Test Source (& nEDM) at RCNP [1+  A] 2015: Source moves to TRIUMF 2016: Commission Source at TRIUMF [ramp to 40  A] D 2 O cryostat He-II cryostat 4 He (4K,1K) 3 He (0.8K) Isopure 4 He

4 Status: UCN Source(s) at RCNP Achieved (with “old” UCN source) UCN prod. rate of 4 UCN/cc/s UCN density at UCN valve: 15 UCN/cc (90 neV) UCN density in Source (He-II): 180 UCN/cc (210 neV) Measurement of Ramsay fringes using nEDM setup at RCNP “New” UCN source Cool-down of D 2 O cryostat successful Cooling tests of He-II cryostat Tests with beam in Apr-2013 (?) D 2 O cryostat UCN guide He cryostat He Leak Detector “Old” UCN source Vertical UCN bottle – 2011

5 UCN Facility at TRIUMF: Meson Hall Main Cyclotron Proposed UCN Facility

6 Existing Beamlines in Meson Hall  M13: PIENU Experiment currently running  M11: Detector Test-beam Facility  BL1B: Proton Irradiation Facility (PIF) M11 M13 BL1B BL1A

7 Proposed UCN Facility (BL1U)  BL1U: UCN Beamline (EDM,  n, gravity,…)  M11: Beam deflected right (instead of left) when space needed  BL1B/PIF: remains operational when BL1A/U off (Cyc. cooldown) BL1B BL1U BL1A M11

8 N BL1A BL1U: UCN Beamline Spall. n Target UCN Source Shield Pyramid BL1U nEDM cell Floorspace for Active Magnetic Shielding Kicker Septum Bender Quads BL1B

9 N Beamline 1A (80-120  A, 500MeV) Beam Sharing in the Meson Hall Kicker Septum Spallation Target Proton Beam “kicked” every 3 rd pulse to UCN Beamline & Spall. n Target (40  A, 500MeV) Kicker and Septum magnets allow beam to be shared between BL1A(  SR) and BL1U(UCN)

10  SR beam UCN beam Beam Sharing between UCN and  SR targets 20kW thermal cycling on Tungsten target Beam Chopping between UCN and  SR production targets Kicker ramps (up and down) during notches

11 N BL1U: Kicker Magnet Kicker Kicker Magnet Fast-switching, High rep-rate 2 Coils, 6 turns each Length: ~1.7 m long Aperture: 100 mm x 100 mm Current: 200 A [240 A]  BdL: 0.0545 Tm Max field in aperture: 36.3 mT Deflection: 12 mr [15 mr max] Rise/Fall time:  50  s Max Voltage: ± 1800 V (ramp) Flattop: 1 ms (  4% ripple p-p) Rep. Rate: 330 Hz Non-metallic beamtube (~2m) with vacuum flanges required Technical review completed, tendering soon

12 N BL1U: Septum Magnet Septum Lambertson-style Septum Conventional magnet struct. More robust (no high power current-sheet, coils farther from beam) Deflected beam is bent in a direction  to original “kick” Modification of an existing magnet (PARITY dipole, pole & upper coil moved down to relocate gap near the top)  BdL: ~ 0.56 Tm Bend Angle: ~145 mr Technical review completed, detailed engineering underway

13 N BL1U: Dipole & Quadrupole Magnets Bender Quads Dipole magnet: 1UB2Quadrupole magnets: 1UQ7,Q8 Conventional dipole magnet Fabricated and mapped (KEK) Conventional quadrupole magnets On-hand (tagged for UCN)

14 N BL1U: Spallation Target Spallation Target KEK-inspired UCN Tungsten Spallation Target 4 Tungsten Blocks:20mm, 20mm, 30mm, 50mm thickness; 78mm x 57mm cross-section 20 kW beam power (1 min ON, 4 min OFF), Heat Deposition ~14 kW; Water-cooled Conceptual design, Thermal & Stress study (ANSYS) completed

15 N BL1U: UCN Source, Shielding & R/H System UCN Source Shielding Pyramid Conceptual Design (“Redesign”) Target R/H System Conceptual Design Water Treatment Facility

16 Concrete Layer Steel Layer Graphite Reflector/Moderator Immovable Block 20K D 2 O Moderator BL1U: Shielding Pyramid & UCN Source BL1U (Downstream Section of BL1U)

17 (Upper Shielding Layers Hidden) BL1U: Shielding Pyramid & UCN Source BL1U 20K D 2 O moderator 3 He/He-II cryostat UCN Guide (He-II) Aluminum Crypt containing graphite, cooled by flowing Helium gas Target Insertion port in Aluminum Crypt

18 Target Insertion port Lead Casket Tracks BL1U Target LANL-inspired Target Remote-Handling system (Target Fully Inserted) BL1U: Target Remote-Handling

19 LANL-inspired Target Remote-Handling system (Target Fully Withdrawn) BL1U: Target Remote-Handling Target Insertion port Lead Casket Target Tracks Shielding Plug BL1U

20 Liquid Helium Supply TRIUMF intends to order a new Linde L1610 helium liquefier (for CMMS & UCN program) The L1610 uses a piston-type expander engine Using LN 2 for precool, it can produce 62L/hr (improved heat-exch. r ) 20% of its capacity will be needed for other TRIUMF programs, leaving 80% for UCN (Allows ~1200L/day for UCN; At 40  A, UCN requires ~1600L/day, maybe more) For the initial phase of the UCN program, this may be adequate For eventual 40  A operation, a second liquefier will be needed We plan to transfer directly from the large liquefaction dewar into the UCN cryostat via a long (20-40m) low-loss (30-50 mW/m) LN 2 -jacketed transfer line Helium auto-fill system will be designed & built this fiscal year (first use will be at RCNP)

21 2011 2015 2014 2013 2012 2016 2017 ACTIVITY J A J O J A Schedule( 2010-2016 ) 2011 2015 2014 2013 2012 2016 2017 Cleanup M11,1A/1B roof-beam Dismantle PIENU & M13-DS MESON HALL (& Vault): Core M13 I-block Shielding UCN APPARATUS: Spallation Target & R/H UCN Source BEAMLINE 1U: Kicker Septum Dipole Beamline (incl Quads, PS,…) Design & ReviewOrder/Fabricate/Deliver Test Order/Mod Order/Fabricate Design & Review Order/Fabricate InstallTest Specify/Conceptual design Design/FabricateInstallUnInstall Procure shielding blocksDesign & Review Install COMMISSION @ TRIUMF Beamline Commissioning HELIUM LIQUEFIER: Upgrade He Liquefier System He Liquefier System Procure UCN Source Commissioning Install/Test & Run @ RCNP Procure/Install Install Kicker Ceramic Beamtube Install Design/OrderFabricate Install Test MILESTONES Shutdown Activities Activities Elsewhere (KEK, RCNP, CERN, Acsion) Non-Shutdown Activities Mod. 1VQ4/Q5; BL1V & Shld Install Dismantle M13-US, Mod.Shld UCN Schedule (Draft) Design/Order/FabricateTest Install Design/Fab r

22 UCN Installation Schedule N 2014 Shutdown 2015 Shutdown 2015 Non-Shutdown & 2016 Shutdown

23 UCN Facility Installation & Beyond 2014-2016 UCN Installation Periods  Commission UCN Facility during 2 nd half of 2016  nEDM measurements (see Jeff’s talk) Beyond 2016 Helium Facility  Liquefier Upgrade (Second Liquefier) Power Supplies  Upgrade Magnet Power Supplies Facility Upgrade (Experiment Area) for nEDM-Phase2  Active-Shielding (Magnetic) Facility  Extend Radiation Shielding for enlarged experiment area


25 N

26 UCN Facility at TRIUMF Institutions:TRIUMF, KEK, RCNP, Osaka U., NCSU, SFU, TIT, UBC, U.Manitoba, UNBC, U.Winnipeg Goal:Produce the world’s most intense source of UCNs for Fundamental and Materials Sciences Research. Plan:Develop and Test the UCN Source, as well as the n-EDM apparatus, in Japan (RCNP,10 -26 ecm); Move the equipment to Canada (TRIUMF), where higher intensity beams are available, in 2015. 1 st Phase:nEDM-1 (10 -27 ecm) 2 nd Phase:nEDM-2 (10 -28 ecm)

27 Neutron EDM Summary  Aim for d n  10 -28 ecm in the next decade  Use established technologies (except for Superfluid He UCN source and 129 Xe co-magnetometer)  Start with small EDM cell (better for systematics, cost effective)  Phased approach to achieve 100-fold improvement in d n limit  EDM expt @ RCNP till 2014: d n  10 -26 ecm (UCN source development with beam up to 10mA) (EDM apparatus development, including co-magnetometer)  Initial Phase @ TRIUMF, 2016-17: d n  10 -27 ecm (Gradually increase current to 40  A & extend running time)  2 nd Phase @ TRIUMF, 2018- : d n  10 -28 ecm

28 UCNs and the Neutron EDM EDM: d n = (h/2E)(    ) Why use UCNs ?  UCNs can be trapped in a material bottle,magnetic bottle,or gravity-well  UCNs have long (macroscopic) storage times  Neutrons can be 100% polarized  Can manipulate and measure the magnetic moment of UCNs Neutron EDM Measurement  Method: Measure change in UCN spin precession under B and  E fields  Use NMR Techniques  Ramsey Resonance Method

29 UCN Sources Around the World


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