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JRA2 - IDEA Prague, 20/04/2006 Andrea Giuliani University of Insubria (Como) and INFN - Milano.

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Presentation on theme: "JRA2 - IDEA Prague, 20/04/2006 Andrea Giuliani University of Insubria (Como) and INFN - Milano."— Presentation transcript:

1 JRA2 - IDEA Prague, 20/04/2006 Andrea Giuliani University of Insubria (Como) and INFN - Milano

2 IDEA: presentation of the tasks  I1 - Isotope enrichment  P1 - 82 Se project  P2 - 150 Nd project  B1 - Cosmogenic induced activity  B2 - Underground crystal growth  B3 - Rejection of surface radioactivity  B4 - Ge diodes in liquid nitrogen promising nuclides background control

3 Milestones/deliverables to be achieved within 31/3/2006 in preparation unexpected contamination in 106 Ru production cycle completed report in writing process

4 Working packages with important changes in the program  P2 - 150 Nd project  B2 - Underground crystal growth

5  Several Nd-based bolometers were realized and tested (foreseen deliverable).  Another due deliverable (NDT sensors spanning a wide temperature operation range) has been achieved. P2 - 150 Nd project: status NdGaO 3 detectors Cooling down curves 30x30x30 mm 10x10x10 mm results

6 P2 - 150 Nd project: status The NdGaO 3 detector responds to thermal excitations injected by a heater, but not satisfactorily to equivalent energies delivered by elementary particles Possible explanation of this fact is that elementary particles, unlike Joule heating injections, produce excitations (e-h pairs before and ballistic phonons after) which couple to the nuclear spin system of the crystals, whose specific heat is huge This effect should disappear in a pure 150 Nd crystal, since the nuclear spin is due to the odd A isotopes 143 Nd (12.2 %) and 145 Nd (8.3 %) Three steps program: 1.find, rent or purchase ~ 50 g Nd enriched as much as possible in 150 Nd 2.grow a crystal with this isotopic pure material 3.operate the crystal as a bolometer

7 Reformulation of the objectives keeping the spirit of the task P2 - 150 Nd project - Use of the bolometric technique in order to study promising candidates for neutrinoless double beta decay with high Q-value (as 150 Nd), such as 116 Cd and 100 Mo. - An additional feature will be to measure scintillation light besides heat, in order to reject alpha background that dominates over 2.6 MeV. impressive results obtained with a CdWO 4 crystal the natural radioactivity background for 0 -DBD can be totally suppressed Scintillating bolometers for high Q-value DBD candidates new name for the task

8 Company:Integrated Photonics Inc. (IPI), Hillsborough NJ TeO 2 crystal production facilities contacted in USA Company:Crystal Technology Inc. (CTI), Palo Alto CA Contac with two crystal companies in the US to explore the possibility to grow crystals with the CZ method. The traditional provider (SICCAS, Shanghai, China) does not use and does not intend to implement the CZ method. One 3x3x3 cm 3 crystal was purchased and successfully tested as a bolometer in LNGS Four 5x5x5 cm 3 crystals (a complete CUORE single module) are under test in CUORE-like configuration B2 - Underground Crystal Growth: status for TeO 2

9 An interesting point which is emerging from B1 activity is that activation mechanisms for Te are less relevant than expected initially, and could lead to reformulate activities in B2. analysis of steps and controls required to get extreme radio-pure TeO 2 crystals Te 过滤 Filtration 化学反应 : TeO2+HCl→TeCl4+H2O Chemical reaction 洗涤 Washing TeO 2 化学反应 : 2Te+9HNO 3 → Te 2 O 3 (OH)NO 3 +8NO 2 +4H 2 O Chemical reaction: Te 2 O 3 (OH)NO 3 → 2 TeO 2 +HNO 3 洗涤 Washing 干燥去 Dryness 离心 Removing water 洗涤 Washing 化学反应 : TeCl4+4NH4OH→Te(OH)4+4NH4Cl Chemical reaction: Te(OH)4→TeO2+H2O HNO 3 HCl NH4OH already tested, OK all reactives tested, OK glass funnel and ceramic filter TeO 2 final product purity 99.99 % example: analysis of the SICCAS production cycle

10 Financial situation and third pre-financing 175000 140000 25000 request for III prefinancing

11 Financial situation and third pre-financing 2500 3600 55000 6000

12 Financial situation and third pre-financing 9000 3300 2000 1400

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