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2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Preliminary Findings from the USAID-Focus Intervention Areas 2003-2004 Madagascar.

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Presentation on theme: "2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Preliminary Findings from the USAID-Focus Intervention Areas 2003-2004 Madagascar."— Presentation transcript:

1 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Preliminary Findings from the USAID-Focus Intervention Areas 2003-2004 Madagascar DHS

2 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro ANTSI MA A/RIVO TOA FI TOL Introduction 2 provinces: over 50% of Madagascar’s entire population. USAID interventions carried out from 1997 to 2004. Focus was on MCH, vaccination, family planning breastfeeding and nutrition

3 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro USAID Interventions Provinces  Over sampling in these 2 provinces to assess USAID intervention areas.  Goal: to look at the impact of USAID interventions on fertility,MCH, family planning, nutrition, breastfeeding and vaccination.  Fieldwork carried out as part of 2003-2004 MDHS.  Same questionnaire and methodology used.

4 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro USAID Interventions USAID interventions targeted half of the entire population in the two provinces. Findings based only on interventions areas… not entirely comparable to main DHS sample since a majority of interventions carried out in rural areas. 5,193 women age 15-49; 1,642 men age 15-59

5 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro KEY FINDINGS 2003-2004 MDHS USAID Intervention Areas

6 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Trends in Total Fertility Rates

7 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Trends in Birth Intervals of 36 + Months

8 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Trends in Teenage Pregnancy

9 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Trends in Modern Contraceptive Use

10 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Trends on Medical Assistance at Delivery

11 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Trends on Full Vaccination Coverage

12 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Trends on Use of Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORS and/or Homemade solution) for Diarrhoea Treatment

13 2003-2004 Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey DDSS/INSTAT, ORC Macro Trends on Stunting Among Children

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