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Knight PrIde I – Intergrity To be honest, kind and sincere in words and in actions.

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Presentation on theme: "Knight PrIde I – Intergrity To be honest, kind and sincere in words and in actions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knight PrIde I – Intergrity To be honest, kind and sincere in words and in actions.

2 INTEGRITY Do your own work Help others Be accepting of others’ differences Do the right thing even if it’s hard Follow through on your word

3 Do your own work Understand the Academic Integrity statement (found in the back of the room and on Madame’s website) Google Translator is CHEATING. If suspected, you will be asked to sit down one on one with Madame and rewrite your writing without any additional warning.

4 Help others and be accepting of others’ differences We all have struggles and differences. Help each other out and accept differences of other people.

5 Do the right thing even if it’s hard Example: I see some other people picking on someone I know. Integrity: I refuse to participate in it and will let an appropriate adult know of the situation. Example: This text is difficult. I don’t want to read it. Maybe I can get away with it tomorrow. Integrity: Even though it is difficult, I can do it. I will pull through it in order to earn the best grade I can.

6 Follow through on your word

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