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CSE 473 Artificial Intelligence Review. Logistics Project reports and homework 5 due Monday 5pm Monday 5pm project demo in 002 Exam next Wed 8:30—10:30.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 473 Artificial Intelligence Review. Logistics Project reports and homework 5 due Monday 5pm Monday 5pm project demo in 002 Exam next Wed 8:30—10:30."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 473 Artificial Intelligence Review

2 Logistics Project reports and homework 5 due Monday 5pm Monday 5pm project demo in 002 Exam next Wed 8:30—10:30 Regular classroom Closed book Cover all quarter’s material Emphasis on material not covered on midterm

3 Defining AI thought vs. behavior human-like vs. rational Systems that think like humans Systems that think rationally Systems that act like humans Systems that act rationally

4 Goals of this Course To introduce you to a set of key: Paradigms & Techniques Teach you to identify when & how to use Heuristic search Constraint satisfaction Logical inference Bayesian inference Policy construction Machine learning

5 Theme I Problem Spaces & Search How to specify PS? Two kinds of search?

6 Learning as Search Decision trees Structure learning in Bayesian networks Unsupervised clustering

7 Theme II In the knowledge lies the power Adding knowledge to search

8 Heuristics How to generate? Admissibility?

9 Propositional. Logic vs. First Order Ontology Syntax Semantics Inference Algorithm Complexity Objects, Properties, Relations Atomic sentences Connectives Variables & quantification Sentences have structure: terms father-of(mother-of(X))) Unification Forward, Backward chaining Prolog, theorem proving DPLL, GSAT Fast in practice Semi-decidableNP-Complete Facts (P, Q) Interpretations (Much more complicated) Truth Tables

10 © D. Fox 10 Planning  Problem solving algorithms that operate on explicit propositional representations of states and actions.  Make use of specific heuristics.  State-space search: forward (progression) / backward (regression) search  Partial order planners search space of plans from goal to start, adding actions to achieve goals  GraphPlan: Generates planning graph to guide backwards search for plan  SATplan: Converts planning problem into propositional axioms. Uses SAT solver to find plan.

11 Probabilistic Representations How encode knowledge here? In the knowledge lies the power

12 Uncertainity Joint Distribution Prior & Conditional Probability Bayes Rule [Conditional] Independence Bayes Net Propositional Hot topic: extensions to FOL Earthquake Burglary Alarm Nbr2CallsNbr1Calls Pr(B=t) Pr(B=f) 0.05 0.95 Pr(A|E,B) e,b 0.9 (0.1) e,b 0.2 (0.8) e,b 0.85 (0.15) e,b 0.01 (0.99) Radio

13 © D. Fox 13 P(B | J=true, M=true) EarthquakeBurglary Alarm MaryJohn P(b|j,m) =   P(b,j,m,e,a) e,a

14 © D. Fox 14 P(B | J=true, M=true) EarthquakeBurglary Alarm MaryJohn P(b|j,m) =  P(b)  P(e)  P(a|b,e)P(j|a)P(m,a) e a

15 Localization as Dynamic Bayes Net m x z u x z u 2 2 x z u... t t x 1 1 0 10t-1

16 Markov Assumption Helps! x t-1 x z u t t t

17 © D. Fox 17

18 Representations for Bayesian Robot Localization Discrete approaches (’95) Topological representation (’95) uncertainty handling (POMDPs) occas. global localization, recovery Grid-based, metric representation (’96) global localization, recovery Multi-hypothesis (’00) multiple Kalman filters global localization, recovery Particle filters (’99) sample-based representation global localization, recovery Kalman filters (late-80s?) Gaussians approximately linear models position tracking AI Robotics

19 Sensor board: Data Stream Courtesy G. Borriello

20 Example Evaluation Run Decision stumps classifiers (at 4Hz) HMM with probabilities as inputs (using a 15 second sliding window with 5 second overlap) Ground truth for a continuous hour and half segment of data.

21 Specifying an MDP S = set of states set (|S| = n) A = set of actions (|A| = m) Pr = transition function Pr(s,a,s’) represented by set of m n x n stochastic matrices each defines a distribution over SxS R(s) = bounded, real-valued reward fun represented by an n-vector

22 Max Bellman Backup, Value Iteration a1a1 a2a2 a3a3 s VnVn VnVn VnVn VnVn VnVn VnVn VnVn Q n+1 (s,a) V n+1 (s)

23 © D. Fox 23 Stochastic, Fully Observable

24 © D. Fox 24 Why is Learning Possible? Experience alone never justifies any conclusion about any unseen instance. Learning occurs when PREJUDICE meets DATA!

25 © D. Fox 25 Inductive learning method Construct/adjust h to agree with f on training set (h is consistent if it agrees with f on all examples) E.g., curve fitting: Ockham’s razor: prefer the simplest hypothesis consistent with data

26 © D. Fox 26 Decision Tree Overfitting Number of Nodes in Decision tree Accuracy 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 On training data On test data

27 © D. Fox 27

28 © D. Fox 28

29 © D. Fox 29

30 © D. Fox 30

31 © D. Fox 31

32 © D. Fox 32

33 © D. Fox 33

34 © D. Fox 34

35 © D. Fox 35 Anemia Group Control Group

36 And More Specific search & CSP algorithms Adversary Search Inference in Propositional & FO Logic Lots of details

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