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 Dates: November 1 st – November 14th, 2014.  The registration will open on Saturday, November 1st at 10am.

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Presentation on theme: " Dates: November 1 st – November 14th, 2014.  The registration will open on Saturday, November 1st at 10am."— Presentation transcript:

1  Dates: November 1 st – November 14th, 2014

2  The registration will open on Saturday, November 1st at 10am.

3  The following offices will be open on Saturday, November 1 st at 10 AM:  Registrar's  Financial Aid  Academic Advising  IT department  Computer labs  Finance office

4  Before registration, full tuition should be paid  If you cannot pay full tuition until November 03, please apply for Late tuition payment at financial aid office 112. Otherwise students will not have an access to their on line study cards  You still have to pay 60% of your tuition in order to apply for late tuition payment. The rest 40% of your tuition will be broke into pieces and extended until March 20, 2015. NO FURTHER DEFERRAL IS AVALIABLE.

5  Before registration, please check if you do not have any books to be returned to the library  If you take books for your courses, you may keep them until the end of semester, however double check with the library

6  Checklists are available at department webpage  Before each registration follow your checklist independently and come up with questions to your advisor.

7  Please remember it is only recommended order of study. It does not mean you have to follow it, especially if it is general education classes.  Please pay attention to major classes in suggested order of study, so you do not miss the classes that only offered in specific semester.  In addition please remember to take more advanced major class the following semester, you have to take care of prerequisite.

8  30 credits + 100 hours of Sport  However students are limited for 28 credits in spring 2015, since Manas studies (2 credits) will be registered by Registrar’s office  6 audit credits –it is not required, but possible to audit the classes in addition to required 30 credits of semester load

9  You have a chance to audit the classes. If you select a course and see available audit seats, it means you may audit the current class. If you cannot register for audit it means this course is not available for audit.

10  Every student should check a prerequisite for each class.  Prerequisites are classes you need to take before you can move on to another class. Often it is a move to more advanced class. For example, you cannot take FYS 216, if you have not taken FYS 101.  The other example: psychology 101 needs to be taken before psychology 250.

11  Please remember, if you took psychology 101 and failed it, it means you did not pass the prerequisite requirement and you cannot take more advance course like psychology 250.

12  Student who fail FYS part I (Receives ‘F’ grade), should take it for Fall 2015. Remember, FYS part I is offered only in Fall semesters.  It also means you cannot sign up for FYS II in spring 2015. If you did sign up in November and December you got F. During add/drop period in January you have to change your schedule. Drop FYS II and add classes for 12 credits.  If you fail FYS II, please remember to retake the class in Spring 2016. FYS II is offered only in Spring semesters.

13 Please register for:  FYS II – 10 credits  Manas Studies as a part of FYS II – 2 credits (will be registered by Registrar’s office) FYS I includes:  Kyrgyz Language as a part of FYS II – 2 credits  Russian Language as a part of FYS II – 2 credits Please do no surprise to find Kyrgyz and Russian in your schedule for fall 2014

14  History of Kyrgyzstan should be taken during sophomore year only.  Students will have two opportunities of taking state exam in History of Kyrgyzstan: 1. at the end of fall semester of sophomore year 2. at the end of spring semester of sophomore year

15  If you are from NGA, some classes will be transferred to your undergrad transcript.

16  There are double counted courses: ART/RUS, ART/KYR, HIST/RUS, HIST/KYR, etc.  The list of double counted courses are available on Academic Advising webpage and at our office.

17  No French (part I), German (part I) or Spanish (part I) in Fall 2014. Please plan taking these languages in Spring 2015.

18  Arabic (part I)and Chinese (Part I) are offered in Fall 2014. In Spring 2015 student continues taking part II of the selected language.  Japanese and Korean will be offered in fall 2015. The same scenario applies for these two languages. In spring 2016 student continues taking part II of the selected language

19  If you are planning to take one of the above languages, you have to learn the selected language two semesters.  The main idea: it is not academically useful to take only one semester of any languages. Students will not receive a credit for taking only one semester.

20  Take two courses of Art – 12 credits  BA or IBL student may receive Bard certificate, you also have to take 12 credits of Art.  For IBL students it is optional. Every student makes a decision if he/she would like to receive Bard certificate  BA students will be informed by the BA department  For more details re requirements of Bard certificate, please talk to the Department chairs.

21  Admits 2014 are expected to fulfill sport class requirement 400 hours: 100 hours per semester. This means student has to take sport class four semesters. There is zero credit load for sport class.

22  Students can sign up only for 1 sport class per semester (we allowed take 2 courses for senior students only)  Students must sign up for sport class, even if they do gym outside the university and bring the docs  Students can sign up for the next courses - Chess, Sport 128 and Sport 123.1 - and bring the document till March 2, 2015. Medical and Sport certificates (spravka) are accepted ONLY to these sport courses.  Submission deadline: March 2, 2015. (Room 314)

23  Individual courses are offered for additional fee  Musical individual courses - 2 cr.  2 cr. load musical class costs $130 Examples of individual music classes:  Komuz  Guitar  Singing  Piano

24 The following music courses do not require extra fee and included into your tuition:  Chorus  Ensemble of Komuz players In others words you do not need to pay extra fee for these two classes

25  January 12 - January 23, 2015  Students will get their study cards back during add/drop period even if they do not need to do any changes.  If students make any changes in their schedules, it means you need to go through two steps again: send study card to advisor, get advisor’s approval and then finally send it to Registrar’s office.  If you do not do any changes, please leave it and do not touch it. Registrar’s office gets your study cards back.

26  The deadline for “W” grade is 10 th week of Fall semester. Reasons for taking “W”, please discuss this issue to your chair or advisor to make a decision. Read extended explanation about this grade on the Webpage of the Registrar’s Office.  If you really need to receive this grade print the special form in advance, since you will have to receive professor’s signature.  The link for the form:

27  Remember if you apply for W grade, it means you will have a credit deficit.  It is recommended to take W grade only if you are in high risk of failing class  Students make up their credit deficit, for example, by taking summer courses.

28 Resources:  WARC  Psychological counseling  Academic Advising

29  Please update your contact information in your on line profile

30  Course evaluation will be open on November 17th - December 12th.  It is available online  Encourage to actively participate  Access to evaluation report will be given to students who have completed evaluation for all registered classes

31 1. Students should regularly check their AUCA e-mails to avoid missing important information: deadlines, changes, updated policies and other important announcements.

32  Updated academic polices and regulation can be found on line, at Registrar’s web page: 

33  On academic advising web site  If student cannot attend the session, the other option to learn the details of the registration during general meeting on Friday at 4:00 pm in room # 311

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