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Science with the new HST after SM4 Neutron Star Astronomy Roberto Mignani University College London Mullard Space Science Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Science with the new HST after SM4 Neutron Star Astronomy Roberto Mignani University College London Mullard Space Science Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science with the new HST after SM4 Neutron Star Astronomy Roberto Mignani University College London Mullard Space Science Laboratory

2 The Role of HST in NS Astronomy ID mag DiscoveryIdentification PSR B0531+21 16.6 Steward Cocke et al. (1969)Kitt Pk. Lyndt et al. (1969) PSR B0833-45 23.6 Blanco Lasker (1976) AAT Wallace et al. (1977) PSR B0540-69 22 CTIO Middleditch et al. (1984) NTT Caraveo et al. (1992) Geminga 25.5 CFHT Bignami et al. (1987) NTT Bignami et al. (1993) PSR B0656+14 25 NTT Caraveo et al. (1994) HST Mignani et al. (2000) PSR B0950+08 27.1 HST Pavlov et al. (1996) Subaru Zharikov et al. (2004) PSR B1929+10 25.6 HST Pavlov et al. (1996) HST Mignani et al. (2001) PSR B1055-52 24.9 HST Mignani et al. (1997) - RX J1856-3754 25.7 HST Walter et al. (1997) HST Walter et al. ( 2001) RX J0720-3125 26.7 Keck Kulkarni et al. (1998) VLT Motch et al. (2003) PSR B1509-58 26 VLT Wagner et al. (2000) Gemini Kaplan et al. (2006) RX J1308+2127 28.6 HST Kaplan et al. (2002) - RX J1605+3249 26.8 HST Kaplan et al. (2003) Subaru Motch et al. (2004) PSR J0437-4715 27.0 HST Kargaltzev et al. (2004) HST Kargaltzev et al. (2004) Pre-HST Post-HST The breakthrough ! PSR = “classical” radio pulsars RX = radio-quiet NSs, thermal X-ray emitters

3 The Impact of HST on NS Astronomy Higher sensitivity wrt pre 10-m class telescopes Sharper spatial solution UV + IR access Timing Polarimetry (poorly exploited)  All together, capabilities offered only by HST VLT/FORS1HST/STIS B1929+10 Mignani et al. (2001)

4 Perspectives after SM-4 By the end of 2008, HST will be the longest-lived astronomical satellite –WFPC2  WFC3 (UV+VIS+IR) –COSTAR  COS (UV) –STIS and ACS to be repaired Spatial resolution: WFC3 (STIS+ACS) UV: WFC3, COS (STIS+ACS) IR: WFC3 WFC3 better in UV & IR wrt ACS & NICMOS WFC3 worse in VIS wrt ACS, better wrt WFPC2 Timing: STIS Polarimetry: ACS

5 Astrometry HST proper motions (parallaxes) measured so far for 8 (4) neutron stars WFC3 (ACS) can enlarge the sample with a much better accuracy –Confirm NS identifications –Localization of NS birth place –NS velocity  ISM accretion or not. Important for RX neutron stars –Hints on SN dynamics and progenitor core collapse PSR B0531+2112.5±0.4Only optical PM available PSR B0833-4551.8±1.13.4±0.7PM accuracy comparable to VLBI PSR B0656+1443±2 Geminga171.0±66±2Only optical PM feasible PSR B1929+10107.3±1.4 RX J0720-3125107.8±1.22.8±0.9Only optical PM feasible RX J1605.3+3249155±3Only optical PM feasible RX J1856-3754333±16.2±0.6Only optical PM feasible Crab Vela The Drilling Pulsars Mignani et al.(2000)

6 Neutron Stars Nebulae WFC3 (ACS) can resolve the structure and variability of the Pulsar Wind Nebulae, as WFPC2 did for the Crab. Only chance for distant PWNe ! WFPC2 also found evidence of optical variability also in the B0540-69 PWN (De Luca et al. 2007;Mignani et al. 2008a) Genuine variability in the nebula ? Expanding optical jet from the pulsar (v=22000 km/s)? “Crazy Ivan” pattern PULSAR BLOB

7 The Near-UV FOC&STIS detected UV emission from middle-aged neutron stars (Mignani et al. 1998; Pavlov et al. 1997; Kargaltsev et al. 2007)  RJ tail of the cooling neutron star spectrum. Fitting the thermal spectrum yields: -coupled with the distance, the surface thermal map -coupled with age, the neutron star cooling rate - NS conductivy, core composition, EOS UV COS (STIS,ACS) observations are critical to: - constrain cooling @>10 6 yrs (too cold for X-rays), where different models predict different slopes - investigate NS re-heating (Kargaltsev et al. 2004) Optical (colder&larger) X-rays (hotter&smaller)

8 The Near-IR NICMOS discovered IR emission from NSs (Koptsevich et al. 2001), the first after the Crab E.g., for B0656+14 the IR is a hint of a debris disk of ≈2 10 -4 M sun (Perna et al. 2000) Disk not resolved by Spitzer (Mignani et al. 2008b) Detection of debris disks has implications on NS formation and SN models WFC3 can do a better job Spitzer/IRAC Koptsevich et al. (2001) More about it in Andy Shearer’s talk

9 Timing Multi-λ timing allows to study the light curve λ -dependance Important inputs on emission models from NS magnetosphere STIS observations have detected for the first time UV pulsations from neutron stars (Kargaltsev et al. 2005;, Shibanov et al. 2006; Romani et al. 2005) UV time-resolved spectroscopy allows to weight different emission processes

10 Polarimetry Optical polarimetry with ACS is a powerful diagnostic to: (i) test neutron star magnetosphere models (ii) constrain magnetic field geometry (iii) constrain the neutron star rotation angle wrt the sky (iv) investigate pulsar/nebula magneto-dynamical interactions Observations of PSR B0540-69 performed with WFPC2 (Mignani et al. 2008c) P intr = 13% P intr = 75% dipole angle α polarisation angle (wrt NS axis) HST proper motion polarization X-ray axis Mignani et al.(2007)

11 More Goals … While keeping the course on “classical” PSRs, there are other challenges to face Many more classes of radio-quiet NSs are now known Isolated Cooling NS (ICONSs):old NSs, no longer radio-active Magnetars: transient HE sources, with B ≈ 10 14 G Compact Central Objects: Not Crab-like ! Nature is unclear Rotating RAdioTransients (RRATs): bursting (otherwise quiescent) radio PSRs High-B radio PSRs:magnetars by definition not by reputation  UV-to-IR observations become more and more important !  Critical to determine the NS nature (isolated, binary, isolated+disk)  HST archaeo-astronomy to identify (via PM) NS parental clusters, study their properties, trace the origin of the NS diversity Pulone et al.2008 BVI ACS/WFC BVI 2.2m/WFI

12 Conclusions HST has played so far a fundamental role in NS astronomy After SM4, HST can play a role as (or even more) fundamental –The WFC3 (with ACS) will be unique for astrometry and stellar population studies –WFC3+COS will allow to obtain NSs multi-λ SED, especially in the crucial UV and IR bands –The repaired ACS+STIS will offer timing+polarimetry, crucial for NS astronomy and so far little explored due to technical failures HST has posed the questions, now it can find the answers

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